Exporting resources' invoices

Exporting resources' invoices

Enabling Invoices export in the system

Once enabled in the system, a PDF invoice can be exported for the resource’s monthly tasks.

The invoice can be exported by the resource or for him.

This functionality is configuration and role-based.

This functionality is currently only available for resources reporting with the Monthly resource report approval manner

To enable it in the system and for resources, follow the 3 following steps:

  1. Switch on the system configuration:

2. Determine which Resource types can export invoices.

Only the selected Resource types will be able to export invoices (also requires a role).

From: Administrator tables > Resource types:

The resource type is set from the Resource info page:

3. Exporting invoices also requires a role.

Only enabled resources types with the following role will be able to export invoices.

Required role: Can export invoices

The role can be added to specific users or to a role group to enable this role to all users in the group

Exporting invoices

Once enabled, invoices can be exported from the following pages:

  • My menu > Monthly resource report

  • Finance > Monthly resource report approval status:

Invoices can be exported for a single enabled resource or for all enabled resources on the page.

Users with the role: Department supevisor, can export invoices for other resources even if their own resource type doesn’t enable it

Sending invoice reminders

Managers can send enabled resources reminders to send their monthly invoices.

The reminders can be exported for a single enabled resource or for all enabled resources on the page.