Standard email messages
The system can send automatic email notifications to users when doing certain actions, such as assigning or completing tasks. The content of these notifications will be based on standard email messages set at system level.
For more information about system-wide automatic notifications, refer to our System notifications article.
For more information about resource level automatic notifications, please refer to our User task completion notifications article.
For more information about automated file distribution, please refer to our Automated file distribution by mail/to FTP article.
Editing standard email messages
To edit a standard email message, go to Administrator > Tables > Standard email messages and click the magnifying glass corresponding to the template to be edited.
After opening the pop-up, there are several customizable fields, such as Type, Description, Subject and Message body. All these fields can be edited, but note that entering the wrong HTML code will cause the information not to appear in the email sent.
List of available HTML codes
For the HTML code to fetch the information and show the relevant data, the information must be available when sending the email, otherwise the email will be sent without it.
For example, if the “Order number” HTML is added to the “Password recovery” email template, since password recovery does not have an order number available, the email will be sent without this information.
Subject | ||
Name | HTML | Data provided |
Date | <#DATE#> | Date the email is received |
Time | <#TIME#> | Time the email is received |
Original title | <#OriginalTitle#> | Order title |
Sender name | <#SenderName#> | Who sends the email |
Recipient name | <#RecipientName#> | The person receiving the email |
Company name | <#CompanyName#> | Name of the company the system belongs to |
User name | <#UserName#> | Login name |
Flag name | <#FlagName#> | When changing a flag, it shows the new flag name |
Original flag name | <#OriginalFlagName#> | The name of the flag originally added to an order |
System name | <#SystemName#> | Name of the client’s system |
Order number | <#OrderNumber#> | Order number |
Task name | <#TaskName#> | Name of the task |
Team name | <#TeamName#> | The production team |
Episode number | <#Episode#> | Number of the episode |
Series | <#Series#> | Series name |
Season | <#Season#> | Season number |
Voucher number | <#VoucherNumber#> | Task voucher number |
Languages | <#Languages#> | Target language |
Resource in charge | <#ResourceInCharge#> | Adds the name of the Resource in charge of the order |
Message body | ||
Name | HTML | Data provided |
Date | <#DATE#> | Date the email is received |
Time | <#TIME#> | Time the email is received + Time Zone |
Sender name | <#SenderName#> | Who sends the email |
Recipient name | <#RecipientName#> | The person receiving the email |
Password recovery link | <#PassWord#> | Link to change password |
User name | <#UserName#> | Login name |
System link | <#SystemLink#> | Link to the system login |
System name | <#SystemName#> | Name of the client’s system |
Flag name | <#FlagName#> | When changing a flag, it shows the new flag name |
Original flag name | <#OriginalFlagName#> | The name of the flag originally added to an order |
Title | <#OriginalTitle#> | Order title |
Company name | <#CompanyName#> | Name of the company the system belongs to |
Episode number | <#Episode#> | Number of the episode |
Season | <#Season#> | Season number |
Order number | <#OrderNumber#> | Number of the order |
Task name | <#TaskName#> | Name of the task |
Team name | <#TeamName#> | The production team |
Order info | <#OrderTableData#> | A table with information about the order with a link to a task or tasks |
Orders info report | <#OrdersReportTableData#> | Table with order information |
Orders info & Finance report | <#OrdersReportTableDataFinance#> | Same table as above, but with “Total, Surcharge and Priced in” columns |
Automatic customer files table data | <#AutomaticCustomerFilesTableData#> | A table with Order number, Content, Target language, Media ID, File name (Step broadcast file number) and Duration |
Task file remarks | <#TaskFileRemarks#> | Table with remarks added when uploading the file from the previous task |
Order remarks not completed | <#OrderRemarks#> | Messages from the order: Order messages, Product messages, Task messages and Internal messages |
File link | <#FileLink#> | Link to download a file. |
File link upload | <#FileLinkUpload#> | Link to upload a file to a certain order |
Order message | <#MessageBody#> | The messages the order has |
Media id | <#MediaId#> | Media number |
Reply to resource in charge link | <#ReplyResourceInChargeLink#> | Link that directs the person to their email page where they can send an email to the Resource in Charge of the order |
Voucher number | <#VoucherNumber#> | Task Voucher number |
Remark | <#Remark#> | Task remark when sending Subcontractor an access link |
Subcontractor access links | <#SubcontractorAccessLink#> | Access link to the assigned task |
Languages | <#Languages#> | Target language |
Resource in charge | <#ResourceInCharge#> | Adds the name of the Resource in charge of the order |
Some HTML codes are not available to choose from the dropdown menu. If deleted by mistake, contact Ooona or copy them from the table below.
HTML | Data provided |
<#InProgressStatus#> | Order status automatically changes after all Pre-production tasks are completed |
<#Response#> | Response added in “Office remarks” when replying to a Resource report request |
<#ResourceReportNumber#> | Resource report number, sent when sending invoice reminders |
<#RejectNotes#> | Sent when Forget me requests are rejected |
<#Resource_incharge#> | Resource in charge of an order |
<#ConfirmDate#> | Confirmation date for Forget me requests and Document approval |
<#DocumentName#> | Name added in the “Document name” column while creating a document approval |
<#ToolkitSettingsApplied#> | Number of rows in which the Toolkit Settings replacement was applied |
<#ToolkitSettingsFailed#> | Number of rows in which the Toolkit Settings replacement failed to be applied |
<#ToolkitSettingsFailedTable#> | Table with details about rows which failed to be applied with Toolkit Settings replacement |
Customer-specific standard email messages
Upcoming functionality
This functionality is only available in the upcoming version (368.1)
It’s also possible to create customer-specific standard email messages, which will only be used if the email sent is for an order of the specified customer.
Customer-specific standard email messages can be created from Administrator > Tables > Standard email messages, using the “Create specific version” column:
When creating a customer-specific version of an email, the Consolidated account or Customer fields will be mandatory (1).
Once selected, edit the message body (2) and click on “Save & close” (3) to save the changes and create the customer-specific version of this email.
The “Consolidated account” and “Customer” columns will indicate if the standard email message is customer-specific, and to which Consolidated account/Customer it is connected:
Each customer/consolidated account can only have one version of each standard message. If a new version is required, please deactive the existing one.
From the customer’s or consolidated accounts profile (Manager > Rolodex tables > Customers > magnifying glass OR Manager > Rolodex tables > Consolidated accounts > magnifying glass) the list of standard email messages specific to that customer can be seen (but not edited):