Version 36.81- TBC
New features and improvements
Projects improvements
The “Projects” functionality has undergone additional changes to improve usability:
The “Valid until” column in My menu >Task confirmation and Supervisor > Task confirmation management pages was reworded to “Response required by” (4458)
The project "#" column was reworded to "Project number" (4486)
The description of the Can reassign tasks (My tasks/Pool tasks pages) was reworded to “Pro tip- assign a Production team to limit the available assignees.” (4512)
“Can assign all management teams” roll was reworded to “Can assign any Client manager team”.
The description was also reworded for clarity “User with the role can assign any Client manager team without having to be a member of it.” (4659)“Can assign all Production teams” roll was reworded to “Can assign any Production team”.
The description was also reworded for clarity “User with the role can assign any Production team without having to be a member of it.” (4659)The “Project dashboard” column in the Project dashboard page has been reword to “Project details” (4890)
Bug fixes
Editing customer contact - Phone number fields were overwritten by the customer's phone number - Fixed (3337)
Toolkit project inheritance - Toolkit didn’t inherit correctly when multiple previous tasks were selected, and one lacked a project. Now it attempts to inherit from the latest task first, moving to the next if no project is found. (4319)
Bulk actions - Page loads indefinitely when using surcharges removal - Fixed (4429)
Resources import - Import button is available even if errors are present - Fixed (3361)
Order tasks page - When exporting to excel, most columns are showing codes instead the names of the fields - Fixed (4383)
Calendar task view page - “Current” button doesn’t update the week and month in the grid - Fixed (4350)
Calendar task view page - Month doesn’t change in the grid when in “Week view” - Fixed (4349)
Resource info page - Infinite loading when resource has the Limit editing of the Resource info page in My menu role - Fixed (4812)
Order copy - "Copy resource in charge" would copy the resource even when toggled off - Fixed (4258)
File table markup in outgoing email not fetching the “File name” - “File name” replaced with “Step broadcast file number” (4964)
Correction orders - “project” field is not copied over - Fixed (5093)
Page default size - not applying to all pages - Fixed (5138)
Users without "Can change range" role can't log into the system - Fixed (5154)
Flags visible in basic resource's scheduler without the required role - Fixed (4443)
Client manager team - dropdown empty on assign - Fixed (5053)
Order info - Order creation date and Order received date fields display discrepancy between Time zones - Fixed (5218)
Email notifications - Inform next task doesn't inform all team managers - Fixed (5219)
Sales Dashboard - Some fields not exported in excel- Fixed (5266)
Centralized file download page - excel file not downloading - Fixed (5364)
Buttons missing for approve billing remarks - Fixed (5209)
Status table – Unable to rearrange statuses – Fixed (5302)
Date flexibility not being added correctly when adding a product to an existing order – Fixed (5428)
Public grids cannot be selected in Project Dashboard - Fixed (5417)
Automatic assignment popup - Missing page navigation buttons - Fixed (5404)
Customer billing statement generator page – Billing customer dropdown shows all system customers – Fixed (5403)
Order tasks - Some columns locked for re-sizing - Fixed (5401)
"Created by me” and “Created for customer” not carrying over “Production type” and “Genre” (5349)
Invoices can’t be uploaded (5240)
Resource creation by copy in web administrator page - blocked copying resource with the same Toolkit email (5469)
Applying percent based surcharges in bulk was adding the surcharge in system currency only - Fixed, the surcharge will now be added with the original currency. (5371)
API related development and bug fixes
A more detailed breakdown of all API-related information can be found in our postman page: OOONA Manager Api
“Add API” option added to the External API settings page (4745)
“Project” endpoint added (4691)
The following fields were added to the UpdateOrders endpoint (4952):
Content type
Revenye Billing office
Sales person
Quote number
Production type
“Order type” added to the order creation endpoint (5308):
The following changes were performed (5255):
New endpoint: CustomerBillingstatements
Project-related fields added to the ResourceReport endpoint
Sales dashboard-related fields added to the Projects endpoint
The following fields were added to the ChangeNotification endpoint (5362):
Task Completed Date
Filename & Path