Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Table of Contents

Order creation with “Add new order”

Orders are created from: Sales > Sales dashboard > Orders page> “Add new order” button (lower-left corner).


  1. Entering the order information

  2. Selecting a workflow template

  3. Pricing validation 

1. Entering the order information

Various fields are available on the order creation page but only some are mandatory.


Once all mandatory fields are entered click “Price product/s” to proceed (fig 3)


2. Selecting a workflow template

After clicking “Price products”, you are required to select the workflow template.


 To preview the workflow template prior to selecting it, click the “Preview Workflow Template” buttons (fig 3).


3. Pricing validation

Once selecting the workflow template, you will be forwarded to the “Product prices” page which is the final step before the order is created.


To create the order, click “Apply pricing” in the lower-right corner

Product prices options

Price not currently set- if a preset price is not available for this product, “Price not currently set” will be applied by default. If a preset price will be added after the order has been created, the order can be easily recalculated to retroactively apply the preset price.


To edit multiple pricing lines, select the necessary option, and click Apply.


Order creation with “Add new order”- Viewing modes

The Order creation page has two viewing modes:


To toggle between the viewing modes, click the Viewing mode button in the upper right-hand corner of the Order creation page (fig 2):


Setting up a system default viewing mode

Order creation page- System default viewing mode- Minimal or Full

Order creation by copy

Creating order copies

Orders can be also copied one from another. The order’s workflow template, info, and prices will be copied to the new orders. Extremely useful when creating orders for a series.


If a different season and/or episode numbers are required they can also be manually adjusted from the “From episode” and “To episode” fields.


Additional actions in the order copy page

When creating order copies you can copy additional information from the original order. Switch on the attribute you want to copy in the “Order copy” page.



Note: Any of the “Retain options” switches in the “Copy order” page can be set to be switched on as a system default when navigating to the page.

Order copy "Retain options"- Setting up a system default*


Order creation- by Import from Excel**

Orders can also be created by import from a template Excel sheet.


To create orders using only some of the products in the workflow template (product selection), click the green arrow button of the required product to disable the product. The disabled product will not be added to the order.


Finally, the pricing validation page.

 After clicking “Apply pricing” and all import lines are created into orders, click “Close” to go back to the orders page.


The range in the Orders page will be auto-populated with the new orders’ order numbers so only the newly created orders will be displayed on the screen. Click “Clear range” to revert to the full order view.


Recreating orders

Orders can be recreated from: Sales > Sales dashboard > Orders page > “Recreate order”


If the “Recreate order” button is not available, it means that there are completed tasks in the order. Uncomplete the tasks to allow recreating the order.


Last created by me/for customer

A tool to easily populate fields in the Order creation page by copying the fields from an existing order previously created.


Created for customer > Select from customer’s orders > select the order you want to copy (fig 4)


Order creation with “Recurring orders generator” (TBC)

Recurring orders generator (Coming soon)