NOTE: On order creation - the Duration field is still mandatory
In existing orders, the “auto duration update” setting can be found in the “Order information” tab
Auto duration default system level settings
Navigate to the relevant information page.
Scroll down to the “Files settings” section
Set the “Auto duration update” switch to the required value:
On - Media duration upon file upload will be automatically detected
Off- Media duration will not be automatically detected
Inherited - Media duration upon file upload will be set according to the system level defaults
When set to Inherited, the system will display the applied system setting.
Click “Save”
Supported file types
Video: mp4, mov, m4v, mpeg, mpg, avi, wmv, mxf, mkv, webm
Audio: mp3, aac, wav, aif, aiff, flac, ogg
ooona’s DAT file - plain text, the “duration” value is stored in seconds
MPD file - the files have ‘mediaPresentationDuration’