Resource - The resource the report belongs to
Resource report number - The unique ID of the resource report
Description - An editable field. Defaults to “billing in (report currency)”
Full view - a A detailed listing of the tasks and files included in the resource report
Items - a A detailed listing of the tasks included in the resource report
Total billed - The total amount in the due in the resource report
Currency - the The currency of the resource report
Submitted by resource - Confirmation if the resource report was submitted or not
Submitted on - The date in which the resource report was submitted
Reject by accounting and send rejection mail - click to reject the resource report and unsubmit it. This will unsubmit it.. More info under Rejecting a resource report
Processed by accounting - Current status of the approval status
Billing messages - Messages related to the resource reports. More info in the billing messages article.
Accounting date - the date in which the approval process was completed
Billing Hold - a toggle (Can Pay/On Hold) to flag if a resource report can, or cannot, be paid
Payment due on - The date the payment is due. Can be autopopulated based on the report submission date using the Payment due on feature.