Navigate to Manager > Rolodex tables > Resources (fig 1)
Click the magnifying glass (fig 2) of the resource you want to configure
Set the “Enable task confirmation” switch (fig 3) to “On”
Note: this setting requires additional configuration on the Task type level from: Administrator >Task types page, as described in the previous section.To receive a notification (managers / resources in charge*) once the resource accepts the task, set the “Email me if a resource accepts task assigned” (fig 4) to “On”
Note: Rejection/Tentative mails will be sent regardless to this configurationSet the “Time to respond to assignment (in hours)” (fig 5) to determine how long the resource has to respond to the task assignment. This value is inherited from the system settings, but can be changed at the resource level as well by clicking on “Inherited”.
Click “Save” (fig 6)
Note: Managers who assign themselves to tasks will not be required to confirm these tasks