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titleBulk actions - adding surcharges options expanded (3848)

The option to add surcharges within the bulk actions were expanded to also include which task, step or product the surcharge should be added to.

The automatic assignment can now be on by default on order creation.

This can be enabled
titleNegative percentage for Customer/Supplier surcharges (90)

Negative percentages can now be added manually to customer and supplier surcharges.

image-20240221-161847.pngImage Removed

titleAutomatic assignment - can now be set as default on order creation (522)
Enable the editing of task confirmation times and creation of a system default response time (4260)

The task confirmation time can now be edited from the Task confirmation status column, by clicking on the status icon.

image-20240523-171414.pngImage Added

The tooltip of the Task confirmation status icon has also been updated to contain more information:

image-20240523-171731.pngImage Added

Additionally, the default response time can now also be set as a system default from Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Defaults:

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This new configuration will be added off by default.

To learn more about automatic assignment, please check our article: Automatic Assignment

titleCustomerID field no longer mandatory for customers (3770)

The CustomerID field is no longer mandatory by default.

To make it mandatory, enable the “CorporateID is mandatory” option Emails tab.

This default will be applied to all resources in the system, but it can also be edited at the resource level.

image-20240523-171528.pngImage Added

For a more detailed overview of the new functionalities, or to learn more about the Task confirmation functionality, please check the Help desk article: Task confirmation - Ooona Help Center - Confluence (

titleNegative percentage for Customer/Supplier surcharges (90)

Negative percentages can now be added manually to customer and supplier surcharges.

image-20240221-161847.pngImage Added

titleAutomatic assignment - can now be set as default on order creation (522)

The automatic assignment can now be on by default on order creation.

This can be enabled from Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Settings:

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This new configuration will be added off by default.

To learn more about automatic assignment, please check our article: Automatic Assignment

When a file is made available in
titleMake available - file data will be updated to match the new order (3979 + 3814)
CustomerID field no longer mandatory for customers (3770)

The CustomerID field is no longer mandatory by default.

To make it mandatory, enable the “CorporateID is mandatory” option from Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Settings:

image-20240207-095603.pngImage Added

titleMake available - file data will be updated to match the new order (3979 + 3814)

When a file is made available in another order, the corresponding task can be completed normally.

New fields were added to the File information page to keep track of the source of the file.



For a more detailed overview of the new functionalities, or to learn more about the Task confirmation functionality, please check the Help desk article: Task confirmation - Ooona Help Center - Confluence (

has been added to the Automated file distribution (both Email or FTP/S3) to notify a user if an automated distribution fails.

To learn more about this functionality and how to set it up, please check the corresponding section in our Automated file distribution manual.

image-20240404-163521.pngImage Added
titleAutomated file distribution - failed delivery notification added (4140)

A new section has been added to the Automated file distribution (both Email or FTP/S3) to notify a user if an automated distribution fails.

To learn more about this functionality and how to set it up, please check the corresponding section in our Automated file distribution manual.

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titleEnable the editing of task confirmation times (4260)

The task confirmation time can now be edited from the Task confirmation status column, by clicking on the status icon.

image-20240523-171414.pngImage Removed

The tooltip of the Task confirmation status icon has also been updated to contain more information:

image-20240523-171731.pngImage Removed

Additionally, the default response time can now also be set as a system default from Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Emails tab.

This default will be applied to all resources in the system, but it can also be edited at the resource level.

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title2-Factor authentication - "Re-send code" no longer triggered by pressing tab (4150)

When pressing tab after entering the verification code, the system will now login instead of re-sending the code.

title"Purchase order" and "Internal purchase order" added to Name conventions (4220)

From Administrator > Web administrator > Name conventions

The “Purchase order” and “Internal purchase order” fields, available in the order info and billing related pages, have been added to the Name conventions:

image-20240422-155203.pngImage Modified

titleRealtime order dates added to Name conventions (4270)

The realtime-specific date names have been added to the Name conventions.

These can be customized from Administrator > Web administrator > Name conventions.

image-20240429-143138.pngImage Modified


titleRole required to change source language of an order (3898)

Changing the source language in the order info page will now require a role:

Can change the source language in orders


When editing a language, a notification will alert the user to the potential need to revise rates and assignments based on the new language.
