Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



This update changed the way the system generates the UI. If the cache is not cleared, some elements might not display correctly.

As such, please make sure to clear the cache once your system is updated.

To clear the cache in Chrome, please follow these instructions: Clear cache & cookies - Computer - Google Account Help

New features

titleEngines added (3234)

Engines for automatic speech recognition and machine translation were added to the system.

These are created as resources and assigned to tasks in the system. Engines will perform the required actions once the task they are assigned to is ready to start:


For a more detailed explanation of this functionality, please check the Engines manual.


Engines are not available by default. If you’d like to enable the functionality, please reach out to us to know the requirements.


titleGeneric synopsis form implemented (4667)

A new generic synopsis form was implemented.
To add it to a customer choose the “Synopsis - Generic” option in the external API setting of a customer.



Projects improvements

The “Projects” functionality has undergone multiple changes to improve usability:


titleExport to excel button was added to more tabs within Project dashboard page (4253)
  • Project dashboard (main page)

  • Status tab

  • Project files tab

  • Project member tab

  • image-20240819-114452.png


Other improvements and changes

Data entry

titleNew customer option: Requires purchase order for invoicing (4227)

A new option has been added to customer profiles: “Requires purchase order for invoicing”


If enabled, this information will be displayed in the Customer billing statement generator and Customer billing statements pages to indicate this information.


If a purchase order is required and hasn’t been provided, the Customer billing statements Items/Full view and Customer billing statement generator page will mark the Purchase order field red:



titleCustomer contacts - Job title field allows new entries to be added (4222)

From Manager > Rolodex tables > Customers > customer profile > Contacts.

When adding a job title to a customer contact, the field now allows new titles to be added using the “Add new job title” button.


User Experience

titleSales dashboard - page speed options (Display mode) added (4228)

A new mode was added to the Sales dashboard (Orders, Languages and Tasks tabs) to improve the page’s speed.

It offers three modes: full (show all live data), fast (show no live data) and custom (choose which live data should be shown).

For a more detailed description of this functionality, please check our Display mode helpdesk article.



titleSynopsis API settings - Hierarchy added

Hierarchy was added to the synopsis API setting so some synopsis API will always apply.

The hierarchy works as follows:

  1. Customer

  2. Consolidated

  3. System



titleRole required to change source language of an order (3898)

Changing the source language in the order info page will now require a role:

Can change the source language in orders


When editing a language, a notification will alert the user to the potential need to revise rates and assignments based on the new language.


titleRoles and Role groups - added log (3090)

Added a changes log to Roles and Role groups pages.

In Roles:


In Role groups:



titleAdded button to test authentication manner at the system and resource level (3880)

Added a button to test the current authentication manner to Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Security.


The same test is also available in the Resource info page.



title2FA for Subcontractors' links (4648)

We now have a setting in Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Security tab that allows enabling 2FA when sending subcontractors' links.


When ON, 2FA by email will be required when subcontractors open subcontractors' links.



titleRange options grouped into a single icon (3521 + 4244)

The range options were grouped into a single icon across the system.

Additionally, clicking on “Range options” will also open the Change range page.



titleUnit reporting improvements when uncompleting tasks (4171)

When uncompleting a task, the previously reported units are now visible and can be restored either from the Unit reporting report or when re-completing the task.

For that, click the blue arrow:




  • “Billing messages” in the resource reports reworded to: Resource report messages (3923)

  • The Display the “Mail file” column in Order files and Centralized file downloads role was reworded to: Can send files and file download links (3728)

  • File lifecycle policy - multiple fields reworded to improve usability (3801)

  • The Can put resource report on hold role was reworded to: Can change the “Billing hold” status in the Resource report page (3927)


Bug fixes

  • The search field from the top ribbon will now display correctly aligned (3039)

  • Fixed an issue that prevent the watch folder page to be accessed correctly from the Sales menu (3882)

  • The Outgoing Orders & Steps and Outgoing Tasks tabs in the Supervisor dashboard will now save grids correctly (3867)

  • When a step is deleted after deleting all its tasks/products, the target language column will now update correctly (3877)

  • The “For billing” tab within a resource report will now show the correct value in the “Revenue per product”, “Cost per product” and “%Profit/Loss per product” columns (3581)

  • Fixed an issue that caused the file description to not be retrieved when using the email upload link (3825)

  • The “Submitted On” field in the Resource reports no longer checks for the resource report reference number (3568)

  • Sales dashboard - the grid will now update correctly when closing the order info page (3807)

  • Adding a link to a task will now correctly prompt the “Do you want to complete the task?” popup (3524)

  • Notes - fixed issue that caused the relevant roles to not work correctly (3447)

  • Bulk actions - fixed an issue that prevented multiple steps to be selected on surcharge removal (3924)

  • When using “Null/Not null” filters, other filters are now correctly applied (3611)

  • Series status report page - “Show inactive” button is now working correctly (3941)

  • Improved the loading of the Profit and loss reports page (3995)

  • “Production team” field no longer populated automatically when using certain bulk actions (4016)

  • Fixed an issue that caused the watch folder to not attach folders correctly (4101)

  • Fixed issue with “price per unit” column in resource report (4109)

  • Fixed issue with order messages when sending “Available task” email (4024)

  • Fixed an issue that caused page to move back to the start when editing specific columns in a workflow template(4046)

  • Resource report generator - grid only showing resources with "resource report" approval manner (3957)

  • Bulk actions - step insertion no longer filtering for "not completed" tasks (4125)

  • Fixed an issue that would hide the icon in “Order excel” in the Tasks page (3676)

  • Fixed an issued that would export the “Custom field” items as a code instead of the description (4104)

  • Fixed an issue that wouldn’t show unit reporting data in the Unit reporting report (4173)

  • Fixed an issue that caused products changed to “Not for billing” to not update correctly in the Billing statement generator (4060)

  • Fixed an issue that caused languages to not be listed correctly on distribution emails (4145)

  • Improved the performance of “Scheduler view” and “Grid view” in the Workload control page (4257)

  • Fixed an issue that caused file extensions to not be saved correctly (4464)

  • Fixed an issue with the export in the Task completed list page (4329)

  • Fixed an issue that caused files to be exported from the Toolkit to file types without the file’s extension (4304)

  • Fixed TK file export that failed to write a file name with characters outside the standard Latin set (3401)

  • Fixed an issue that caused data to not be consistent between different tabs of the Profit and loss reports (4492)

  • Fixed an issue that caused Order Duration in “Profit and Lost report>customer tab” to multiply the duration based on the amount of order pricing lines. (4666)

  • Fixed an issue where the additional description of a file wasn’t displayed after upload (4660)

  • Fixed the display of engines costs in the Task info page (4484)

  • Realtime order’s recreate option now working correctly (4807)

  • Fixed an issue in which users without the Basic user role would get an error message while logging in (4768)

  • Fixed an issue where files were deleted from S3 despite being marked as deleted in TM (4520)

  • Fixed an issue where a basic resource with the Can reassign tasks (My tasks/Pool tasks pages) role would receive an error message when trying to reassign tasks (4694)

API related development and bug fixes


The “UpdateOrder” endpoint will be phased out in the coming versions.
The “UpdateOrders” endpoint will be replacing it, as it covers the same functionality.

Please adjust your code accordingly.
