Each product price will be displayed in a separate line.
If preset product prices have been created, the system will display them.
To create the order, click “Apply pricing” in the lower-right corner
Product prices options:
Multiple product
If a product has only one preset price it will be applied by default (fig 8). If the system will locate more than one compatible price, the user will have to select one.
· Manual price- Any product can be given manual unit /fixed price with any available currency or unit type (fig 9)
· Price not currently set- any product pricing can be set to “Price not currently set” (fig 10) so it can be easily recalculated later.
If you’re not sure what to select or what the price is, select “Price not currently set”. This will allow to easily set the price later by recalculating the order.
To finalize and If you're not sure which pricing option to select, "Price not currently set" would be the easiest to fix later
Preset price-If preset product prices have been created, the system will display them.
To create the order, click “Apply pricing” (fig 11).
If the “Apply pricing” button is disabled, review your products’ prices list again to check if a pricing hasn’t been selected or something else is missing.
Congratulations! You’ve just created one order.
Note: Orders are created by default in “Open” status and will not be displayed to assigned resources until switched to production status (“In process” status).
Once the order is created, the order’s information tab will launch to display your order details in full view:
Appendix 1
A comprehensive list of all cells in the Order creation page (mandatory cells in bold).
“Create Options” section:
· Title- the title of the series/feature/trailer etc. (i.e. Game of Thrones 8)
· Order type- “Localization” is pre-selected. Change if necessary
· Duration- the order’s run time. For the most, will influence the order’s rates/prices totals
· Supplier (duration)- copied by default from the “Duration” cell next to it. Allows to charge your customer by run time X and pay your resource by run time X minus Y
· Client managing team- the team in charge of creating the order. Specific templates can be allocated to be used to create orders by specific teams. Will also determine which orders will be displayed when “If filter by teams” is on
· Resource in charge- the person in charge of the order’s progress and completion. Auto populated with the resource in charge linked to the selected customer (configuration based. Can be set by default as the order creator or can be set manually)
· Customer- select the customer from the pull-down menu. If not in the list, create a new customer or contact your manager
· Billing customer- Should be populated only in cases that the paying entity is not the selected customer
· Content type- select the necessary type out of pre-configured values (disabled by default)
· Automatic assignment- tick this option to apply any pre-configured assignment defaults
· Series- select an existing series from the pull-down menu. You can also enter a new series by clicking the + icon next to it. The “Series” pull down is filtered by the selected customer (new series can also be entered from: Manager > Rolodex > Customers > Magnifying glass > Series)
· Series info > Season/episode number cells- these won’t be active until a series has been selected in the series cell (unless otherwise configured).
· Billing manner- “Not set” is pre-selected. Change if necessary. (This is an indication only. Has no dependencies with the actual billing system)
· Pricing type- “Price per order” is pre-selected. Change if necessary
· Script- “Waiting for script” is pre-selected (configuration based). This cell indicates if a script is necessary for this order and if the client has supplied you with one, or not. Can influence the price.
Script not relevant- mainly for transcribing jobs in which a script is not necessary
Waiting for script- a script is necessary but has yet been supplied by the customer and/or uploaded to the order
With script- a script is necessary and has been supplied by the customer and/ uploaded to the order
Without script- a script is necessary but will not be supplied (required to translated by ear)
· Media number- media file’s ID
· Revenue billing office- enabled when “Offices” feature is enabled (disabled by default)
· Project- can be used to group together orders that are not of the same series. For instance, if you are working on 10 Hindi features, all for the same client and approximately the same deadline. To populate the “Projects”, pull down, you first must create a new project from: Manager>Rolodex tables>Projects. Enter the name of the client and you can add a new project.
If you don’t have the manager dropdown, please contact your manager
· Episode title- the episode’s title
· Created by me- a tool to speed up the order creation process by auto populating cells. Use this to pull up order information of the last order you entered or to select from a pool of orders previously created by you
· Created for customer- a tool to speed up the order creation process by auto populating cells. use this to pull up the order information of the last order created for the selected customer (This will only be active when a client has been entered in the client field)
· Purchase order- enter the customer’s purchase order
· Internal purchase order- can be used in case you have an internal PO number you want to add (disabled by default)
“Date Information” section:
· Air date- title’s air date. An indication only and has no dependencies with other dates in the system
· Order supply date- aka Order’s delivery date. The date your customer requested you to supply the final files
· Order internal supply date- the order’s internal delivery date. The date in which the manager decided to complete the order by. Can be same or different than the Order supply date
“Languages” section:
· Source language- select the source language of the video file or source material
· Target language/s- here you select the target language/s by moving them to the right-hand box. The “double arrow” will select all languages. To select several, mark up the languages by holding down Ctrl and left-click on them, and then select the “single arrow”. The language moved to the right-hand side will disappear from the list on the left, which means you can’t enter the same language twice.
Or just double click on the language name to transfer it to the right-hand box.
“Urgency Addition” section (will be removed from the order creation page)
· Customer/Supplier- here you can add any surcharges for clients/vendors. Just select the necessary one in the drop down. This can also be done at a later stage after the order has been created
Last created by me/for customer
Enables to rapidly enter values when manually creating orders by auto populating values in the order creation pop-up with values that were used to create previous orders.
Copy from last created order created (fig 2+3) - the following values from the last order created by me will be auto populated: Order type, Managing team, Customer, Billing manner, Script, Revenue billing office, Purchase + internal order (PO), Resource in charge, Billing customer, Pricing type, Project, Source language, Target languages.
Copy from last order created by me (fig 2)- values from the last order created by me will be copied.
Copy from last order created for customer (fig 3)- this button will be available only after selecting the customer. All values from the last order created for the selected customer will be copied.
Select order to copy from last created orders (fig 4+5)- after selecting the necessary target order (fig 6), all values from the selected order will be copied:
Select from last orders created by me (fig 4)
in the lower-right corner
Price not currently set- if a preset price is not available for this product, “Price not currently set” will be applied by default. If a preset price will be added after the order has been created, the order can be easily recalculated to retroactively apply the preset price
Multiple product prices- if a product has only one preset price it will be applied by default but If more than one compatible product price is found, you are required to select the necessary one before you can proceed
Manual price- any product can be given a manual price. After selecting the manual price option, you can enter either a per-unit price or a fixed price. Manual prices will not be affected when recalculating the order
Not for billing- if the product is not for billing you should select the “Not for billing” options (can also set as default on the product level)
To edit multiple pricing lines, select the necessary option and click Apply
Order creation by copy
Orders can be also copied one from another. The orders will be created for the same customer (the customer can be later changed). The order’s workflow and prices will be copied to the new orders. Extremely useful when creating orders for a series or when creating same orders.
If no tasks were completed in the order, an order can be recreated (fig 1) using the same order number (fig 2). An order can only be recreated for the same customer (fig 3). The customer can be changed after the order has been created. If the recreate symbol is not available (fig 4), it means that there are completed tasks in the order. Uncomplete the tasks to allow recreating the orders.
Last created by me/for customer
Enables to rapidly enter values when manually creating orders by auto populating values in the order creation pop-up with values that were used to create previous orders.
Copy from last created order created (fig 2+3) - the following values from the last order created by me will be auto populated: Order type, Managing team, Customer, Billing manner, Script, Revenue billing office, Purchase + internal order (PO), Resource in charge, Billing customer, Pricing type, Project, Source language, Target languages.
Copy from last order created by me (fig 2)- values from the last order created by me will be copied.
Copy from last order created for customer (fig 3)- this button will be available only after selecting the customer. All values from the last order created for the selected customer will be copied.
Select order to copy from last created orders (fig 4+5)- after selecting the necessary target order (fig 6), all values from the selected order will be copied:
Select from last orders created by me (fig 4)
Select from last orders created for customer (fig 5)- this button will be available only after selecting the customer