Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


To edit multiple pricing lines, select the necessary option and click Apply


Order creation by copy

Creating order copies


If different season and/or episode numbers are required they can also be manually adjusted from the “From episode” and “To episode” fields


Additional actions in the order copy page


Note: any additional information field can be configured to be selected as a system default in the order copy page from: Administrator > Web Administrator > Configuration > Defaults > Duplicate order defaults


Order creation- by Import from Excel


From: Sales dashboard > Bulk actions > Order > Import > From Excel


Start by downloading the Excel sheet template: 


Fill out in all the necessary cells . Separate line for each order.  The red circled cells are mandatory for order creation: Title, Order type (type), Duration, Customer, Script, Source language, Target. The orange circled cells are mandatory only if set to be mandatory as a system default: Resource in charge display name, Revenue billing office, Management team)in the template Excel sheet. Each order is to be filled in in a separate line.

Same as when creating orders with “Add new order”, some fields are mandatory.

Note: all cells fields in the Excel sheet must be set to filled in with cell type "Text"


Next, select the required workflow template for the orders you’re about to create (fig 2).

If a customer-specific workflow template is required, it will only be available after selecting also the customer (fig 1).

Upload the Excel sheet (fig 3).

After uploading the Excel sheet, the import lines will be displayed (fig 4).

If all fields are correctly entered, the Validation information icon will be green


To create orders with multiple target languages, use a language separator same as appears in the circled cell (can be changed according to your preferences):





 Next, upload the excel sheet:


Next, select the necessary template from the upper bar.
