OOONA includes three ways of conveying messages to users.
Table of Contents |
Welcome page message
Welcome page messages are messages displayed on the home page of OOONA.
Adding a Welcome page message
What’s new
The Megaphone (fig 1) and the Welcome page message (fig 2), are messages displayed at all times on the home page of OOONA.
From: Manager > Messages > Welcome page message
Click “Add new message” (fig 1)
Select who the message will be displayed to: Resource types / Consolidated accounts or Customers that have a customer portal to the system, from the “Targeted at” list (fig 2)
Type your message in the Message box (fig 3)
Click “Save” (fig 4)
Note |
When not using Resource types - you must select “All” in the Targeted at” list (fig 3) - this will make the message visible to all Resources / Consolidated accounts and Customers that have a customer portal to the system. |
Note |
When adding multiple Welcome page messages - only the most recent message will be displayed. |
Info |
Only managers can create messages |
Editing an existing Welcome page message
From: Manager > Messages > Welcome page message
Click the “Edit” icon (fig 1)
Make the required changes (fig 2)
Click “Save”
Setting Welcome page messages as Active / In active
Messages are automatically set to Active when created.
To deactivate a message, click on the “Active” icon in the message list
To activate a message, click on the “In active” icon in the message list
Deleting a Welcome page message
From: Manager > Messages > Welcome page message
Click on the red X of the required message to be deleted (fig 1)
Click “yes” in the message that appears (fig 2)
“What’s new” message
What’s new messages, are one-time, popup messages that are displayed on login.
They are kept for reference and can be later be viewed again on demand.
All What’s new messages can will be displayed to targeted to specific user groups.
Info |
Only managers can create messages |
Adding a Welcome page message
To add a new welcome page message:
resource types / Consolidated accounts or Customers that have a customer portal to the system. see
Adding a What’s new message
From: Manager > Messages > What’s new message
Click “Add new message” (fig 1)
Select the target users who the message will be displayed to: Resource types / Consolidated accounts or Customers that have a customer portal to the system, from the “Targeted at” list (fig 2)
Info |
If you’re not using Resource type, select “All” as your target audience |
3. Type your message in the Message box (fig 3)
4. Click “Save”
(fig 4)
Note |
When not using Resource types - you must select “All” in the Targeted at” list (fig 3) - this will make the message visible to all Resources / Consolidated accounts and Customers that have a customer portal to the system. |
Editing an existing
What’s new message
To edit an existing welcome page message:
From: Manager > Messages >
What’s new message
To edit the message, Click the “Edit” Pencil icon (fig 1) and make
Make the required changes as described before.
To deactivate the message, click the “Active” icon (fig 2). (Green = active)
Deactivating a Welcome Message
(fig 2)
Click “Save”
Setting What’s new messages as Active / In active
Messages are automatically set to Active when created.
From: Manager > Messages > What’s new message
To Deactivate a message:
Click the Pencil icon (fig 1)
Uncheck the “Active” checkbox (fig 2)
Click “Save”
To Activate a message:
Click the Pencil icon (fig 1)
Check the “Active” checkbox (fig 2)
Click “Save”
Deleting a What’s new message
From: Manager > Messages > What’s new message
Click on the red X of the required message to be deleted (fig 1)
Click “yes” in the message that appears (fig 2)
Megaphone messages (fig 1), are messages displayed at all times on the home page of OOONA.
Megaphone messages will be displayed to resources / Consolidated accounts or Customers that have a customer portal to the system. see
Adding a Megaphone message
To add a new Megaphone message:
From: Manager > Messages > Welcome page megaphone
Click “Add new message” (fig 1)
The first row of messages becomes editable:
Select who the target user groups the message will be displayed to: Resources / Consolidated accounts or Customers that have a customer portal to the system, from the “Targeted at” list (fig 2)
Type in the required message (fig 3)
Select an Image from the image list (fig 4)Set the Active icon (V= active) (fig 5)
Click on the green V to save (fig 65)
To edit or deactivate an existing Megaphone message, click on the Pencil icon beside the entry you wish to edit and follow the same steps as described above.
You can deactivate a message from the message list directly by clicking on the relevant icon in the “Active” column (No need to enter edit mode).
Adding a What’s new message
To add a new What’s new message:
Navigate to Manager > Messages > What’s new message
Click “Add new message” (fig 1)
Select the target users from the “Targeted at” list (fig 2)
Type your message in the Message box (fig 2)
Click “Save” (fig 4)
To edit or deactivate an existing What’s new message, click on the Pencil icon beside the entry you wish to edit and follow the same steps as described above.
Deleting messages
To delete a message:
Note |
When not using Resource types - you must select “All” in the Targeted at” list (fig 3) - this will make the message visible to all Resources / Consolidated accounts and Customers that have a customer portal to the system. |
Info |
Only managers can create messages |
Displaying multiple Megaphone messages
By setting multiple Megaphone messages to “Active”, the system will display them one after the other in sequence.
the user can manually scroll between the messages using the navigation arrows beneath the Megaphone
Editing an Megaphone message
From: Manager > Messages > Welcome page megaphone
Click the Pencil icon (fig 1)
Make the required changes (fig 2)
Click “Save” (fig 3)
Setting Megaphone messages as Active / In active
Messages are automatically set to Active when created.
From: Manager > Messages > Welcome page megaphone
To Deactivate a message click on the “Active” icon in the relevant row (fig 1)
To Activate a message click on the “In Active” icon in the relevant row (fig 2)
Deleting a Megaphone message
From: Manager > Messages > Welcome page megaphone
Click on the red X of the required message to be deleted (fig 1)
Click “yes” in the message that appears (fig 2)