Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Reorganized User Configuration settings under categories
Added SCC export option with custom frame separator for all frame rates
Allowed opening RTF in the Document Preview
Don't show the same overlap error for both subtitles - only for the first one.
Enforced 3-letter language codes on Paramount TTML export
Hide font selection in IMSC Rosetta exporter
”Ignore CenterLeft” option added to some TTML exports. If checked, it will simply align to left
Fixed 2997 non-drop frame project incorrectly gets prompt to correct to drop frame
Fixed  holdFixed hold-release timing key applies to next next sub in Review Mode
Partially fixed - Split tasks: cannot navigate outside of range in video
Fixed Canadian French hotkeys not working + pause Pause hotkey not working
Fixed exporting STL from mix-mode project (Open + TTXT) changes line positioning
Fixed file import from order files not auto populating the import form
Fixed Greek PAC import sometimes result results with acute as a separate character instead of using the symbol with tonos
Fixed short forms not working when the short form starts with a square bracket
Fixed TTML-based formats with Media Time HH:MM:SS:FF import with 1 frame difference in several subtitlessubs
Fixed spellcheck not working after ignoring all
Fixed spellcheck replace not working when failed word ends or starts with a square bracket
Fixed subtitles don't update on the video when timing a new project with empty zero subs in Review mode
IgnoreCenterLeft option added to some TTML-based exports. If checked, it will not adjust region position for center-left and simply align to left
Fixed using in “IN cue +/- 1 frame frame” hotkeys or buttons jumps to previous sub when you reach shot-change
Hide font selection in IMSC Rosetta exporter
Reorganized User Configuration settings under categoriesPartially fixed - Split tasks: cannot navigate outside of range in video