The default authentication manner in OOONA Manager is Email.
Authentication manners
Note |
Please note that activating 2-factor authentication from Administrator > Web Administrator > Configuration > Security, as explained in the https://ooona.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OHC/pages/edit-v2/1833730049#System-Administrator--Initial-activation-of-2FA-in-OOONA-Manager section, it will activate it for all users in the system. To change the authentication manner for individual users, follow the steps bellow. |
The system is set with a default authentication manner set by the Admin, but each user can set their preferred default authentication manner.
2-factor authentication is activated at a system level by default (fig 4), and can only be turned off by OOONA users.
To change the authentication manner follow these steps:
From: Administrator > Web Administrator > Configuration > Security
Select the default authentication manner (fig 5):
SMS (Twilio)
Google Authenticator (requires initial setup by the user)
2-factor authentication for Subcontractor links is activated at a system level .
Go to Administrator > Web Administrator > Configuration > Security and switch ON “Two-factor authentication for subcontractors” in the “Two factor authentication” section.
After switching this setting ON, all by default, and can only be turned off by OOONA users.
All Subcontractor links will require 2-factor authentication when the subcontractors open them.
Info |
Note that 2-factor authentication for Subcontractor links will automatically send the verification code to the subcontractor email. It does not allow choosing any other authentication method. |