The Production teams allow grouping resources according to their skills, making it easier to assign filter them , as a team, to certain taskswhen assigning a resource to a task.
Client manager teams are used to filter workflow templates when creating an order.
Creating a Production Team
To create a Production team, go to Manager > Rolodex tables>Teams
follow these steps:
Click on “Add team”
When the new row appears in the grid, add a description and, if
(OPTIONAL) - If the team is specific to a customer or consolidated account, choose the relevant Customer or Consolidated account from the dropdown menus. If the team should apply to all customers and/or consolidated accounts, leave the “Customer” and/or “Consolidated account” fields empty.
Please note that customer specific teams will only be available in the next version of OOONA Manager: 368.1.For production teams, choose “Production” from the dropdown menu in the “Type” column. Read the client Client manager teams section for that specific type of team. Client manager teams
Click save.
Info |
Customer specification cannot be changed once set, so make sure you’re choosing the correct one. |
After creating the team, set the production teams’ skills using the “Languages”, “Order Types” and “Tasks” columns.
To read more about setting up resource skills, read our Setting up resources skills to be able to assign them to tasks article.
Note that these will be used for filtering, meaning you won’t be able to assign a team to a task that has different parameters.Finally, in the “Connected resources” button you’ll need to add the resources connected to this Production team. Here you can also specify a
You can always delete or deactivate a Production team with the “Delete” and “Active” buttons.
Click the “Show inactive teams” button to show deactivated teams in the Teams page.
Using a Production team
Production teams can be assigned from different pages.
Once a Production team is created, it can be assigned from Sales dashboard > Orders > Order tasks, in the “Production team” column. Note that only teams with skills matching to the task will be shown in the dropdown menu.
By default, you a resource can only assign a team that you they are a member of and/or a manager of.
Notifications for managers
Pre-production completion notifications and Inform next task notifications - Much like a recourse, the Productions team manager will Pre-production completion notifications and Inform next task notifications, if his Productions team was assigned. More about these notifications in https://ooona.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OHC/pages/1909915649/System+notifications#Pre-production-completion-notifications
When a Production team is assign, system notification will be sent to it’s manager.
More about these notifications in https://ooona.atlassian.net/wiki/
Show my teams page
From My menu >My tasks page, the production team manager will have access to the “Show My teams tasks button at the bottom of the page.
To create a Client manager team, go to Manager > Rolodex tables>Teams and click follow there steps:
Click the “Add teams” button.
When the new row appears in the grid, add a description and, if the team is specific to a customer or consolidated account, choose the relevant Customer or Consolidated account from the dropdown menus.
(OPTIONAL) If the team should apply to all customers and/or consolidated accounts, leave the “Customer” and/or “Consolidated account” fields empty.
Please note that customer specific teams will only be available in the next version of OOONA Manager: 368.1.For client manager teams, choose “Client manager” from the dropdown menu in the “Type” column. Read the production teams section for that specific type of team. Production team
Click save.
Info |
Customer specification cannot be changed once set, so make sure you’re choosing the correct one. |
After the team is created, set the order type using the “Order types” column.
Click the “Connected resources” button to add the resources relevant to that team.
You can always delete or deactivate a client manager team with the “Delete” and “Active” buttons.
Click the “Show inactive teams” button to show deactivated teams in the Teams page.
The last step is to add workflow templates to the Client manager team you just created.
For that, go to Manager > Price lists & workflow templates > Workflow templates. Locate the template you wish to associate to the client manager team, go to the client manager teams column and select the team.
Once done, you can see which workflow templates are connected to which client manager teams by clicking the Templates icon in the Teams page.
Info |
Customer specification cannot be changed once set, so make sure you’re choosing the correct one. |
Assigning a Client manager team