Click on “Add team”
When the new row appears in the grid, add a description
(OPTIONAL) - if If the team is specific to a customer or consolidated account, choose the relevant Customer or Consolidated account from the dropdown menus. If the team should apply to all customers and/or consolidated accounts, leave the “Customer” and/or “Consolidated account” fields empty.
Please note that customer specific teams will only be available in the next version of OOONA Manager: 368.1.For production teams, choose “Production” from the dropdown menu in the “Type” column. Read the Client manager teams section for that specific type of team.
Click save.
After creating the team, set the production teams’ skills using the “Languages”, “Order Types” and “Tasks” columns.
To read more about setting up resource skills, read our Setting up resources skills to be able to assign them to tasks article.
Note that these will be used for filtering, meaning you won’t be able to assign a team to a task that has different parameters.Finally, in the “Connected resources” button you’ll need to add the resources connected to this Production team. Here you can also specify a Production team manager.
You can always delete or deactivate a Production team with the “Delete” and “Active” buttons.