Realtime orders require configuration at the system, customer and resource level.
Unit type
From Administrator > Tables > Finance > Unit types it’s required to have a unit type that will serve as the unit type for realtime orders.
This unit type needs to be calculated by Quantity (1) and to require resource unit reporting (2):
A unit type exclusively for realtime orders (for example, “Realtime minutes”) is recommended.
Order type
From Administrator > Tables > Finance > Orders types, it’s required to set which order types should be used to create realtime orders using the “Is realtime” column (1).
It’s not required for the order type to be exclusively for realtime orders.
Customer level
Realtime orders can only be created for customers with “Realtime supported” enabled.
This setting can be found within the customer’s profile, from Manager > Rolodex tables > Customers OR Sales > Rolodex tables > Customers by opening the profile via the magnifying glass.
After “Realtime supported” is enabled (1), two additional options are also made available: Customer destinations (2) and Control rooms (3).
Customer destinations
By clicking on the “Customer destinations” button, a popup will open with the list of destinations for that customer. At least 1 is required for realtime customers.
New entries can be added from the “Add new customer destination” button on the bottom left corner.
When adding a new destination, two fields are required: Description and Primary audio.
Additional fields are also available to add more information to the destination.
The list in the Connection method field comes from the corresponding table.
Once the necessary fields have been populated or changes made, click on “Save” to apply.
Control rooms
When adding a new control room, Description and Phone number are the only required fields.
Additionally, notes can be added.
Customer destinations and Control rooms are also accessible from the Customers page:
Resource level
Realtime orders tasks can only be assigned to resources with “Realtime supported” enabled.
This setting can be found within the resource’s profile, from Manager > Rolodex tables > Resources OR Administrator > Web administrator > Logins by opening the profile via the magnifying glass.
Once enabled, the remaining Realtime fields will become available.
The data in the Captioning software, Writing method and Chat service type fields come from the corresponding tables.
The content of preset realtime specific fields are can be managed within the Administrator > Tables > Realtime pages.
The system is already populated with preset lists, but existing items can be edited or new ones added from the respective pages.
Captioning software
The listing of captioning software, visible in the resource’s profile, can be managed from Administrator > Tables > Realtime > Captioning software.
The system is already populated with a preset list, but new items can be added using the “Add Captioning software” button (1) and existing ones can be edited using the “Edit” column (2).
Writing method
The listing of writing methods, visible in the resource’s profile, can be managed from Administrator > Tables > Realtime > Writing method.
The system is already populated with a preset list, but new items can be added using the “Add Writing method” button (1) and existing ones can be edited using the “Edit” column (2).
Connection method
The listing of writing methods, selectable in the customer’s destination’s, in the order creation page and in the Realtime info page within Order info, can be managed from Administrator > Tables > Realtime > Connection method.
The system is already populated with a preset list, but new items can be added using the “Add Connection method” button (1) and existing ones can be edited using the “Edit” column (2).
Chat service type
The listing of Chat service types, selectable in the resource’s profile, can be managed from Administrator > Tables > Realtime > Chat service type.
The system is already populated with a preset list, but new items can be added using the “Add Chat service type” button (1) and existing ones can be edited using the “Edit” column (2).
Feed type
The listing of feed types, selectable in the order creation page and in the Realtime info page within Order info, can be managed from Administrator > Tables > Realtime > Feed type.
The system is already populated with a preset list, but new items can be added using the “Add Feed type” button (1) and existing ones can be edited using the “Edit” column (2).
Line position
The listing of line positions, selectable in the order creation page and in the Realtime info page within Order info, can be managed from Administrator > Tables > Realtime > Line position.
The system is already populated with a preset list, but new items can be added using the “Add Line position” button (1) and existing ones can be edited using the “Edit” column (2).
Discrepancy error tracking
The listing of discrepancy error tracking, selectable in the Discrepancy report page, can be managed from Administrator > Tables > Realtime > Discrepancy error tracking.
The system is already populated with a preset list, but new items can be added using the “Add Discrepancy error tracking” button (1) and existing ones can be edited using the “Edit” column (2).