Added SCC export option with custom frame separator for all frame rates
Allowed opening RTF in the Document Preview
Don't show the same overlap error for both subtitles - only for the first one.
Enforced 3-letter language codes on Paramount TTML export
Fixed 2997 non-drop frame project incorrectly gets prompt to correct to drop frame
Fixed Timing applies to next next sub - hold release key Review Mode
Partially fixed - Split tasks: cannot navigate outside of range in video
Fixed Canadian French hotkeys not working + pause hotkey not working
Fixed exporting STL from mix-mode project (Open + TTXT) changes line positioning
Fixed file import from order files not auto populating the import form
Fixed Greek PAC import sometimes result with acute as a separate character instead of using the symbol with tonos
Fixed short forms not working when the short form starts with a square bracket
Fixed TTML-based formats with Media Time HH:MM:SS:FF import with 1 frame difference in several subtitles
Fixed spellcheck not working after ignoring all
Fixed spellcheck replace not working when failed word ends or starts with a square bracket
Fixed subtitles don't update on the video when timing a new project with empty zero subs in Review mode
IgnoreCenterLeft option added to some TTML-based exports. If checked, it will not adjust region position for center-left and simply align to left
Fixed using in cue +/- 1 frame hotkeys or buttons jumps to previous sub when you reach shot-change
Hide font selection in IMSC Rosetta exporter
Reorganized User Configuration settings under categories