OOONA Manager offers a range of Profit and loss reports.
The reports are displayed grouped by:
Customer > Language > Product
Language > Product
Order > Language > Product
Accessing and using Profit and loss reports
The reports are accessed via Manager > Reports > Profit and loss reports
To view the various grouping methods, simply navigate between the different tabs (fig 1)
Loss rows are displayed in red (fig 2)
All reports including the Product, Order or Language count columns, allow drill down reports.
Click on one of the values (fig 3) to open a breakdown of the clicked value.To improve customer experience and allow quick and efficient loading of the data:
When running the report, if the data is more than a day old - it is automatically updated to display the latest information.
A manual update is possible, once an hour.
To update the data, click the “Run now” button (fig 4).
The system displays the last time the report was run (fig 5)
Report data can be exported to Excel:
Click the “Generate export” button (fig 6)
Click “Yes” in the popup that appears.
Click the “Download export” button to download the file.