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product pricelist creation

From: Manager > Pricelists and Workflow templates > Customer Pricelists

Creating a Price list

Start by creating a Pricelist and then add all the different Product prices to this list.


You Specific Pricelists can be create a speicifc Pricelist so that Prices prices within this the list will only be applied for a speicifc apply to a specific Customer, Series, etc..

  1. Click “Add pricelist” (fig 1)

  2. Enter the Pricelist description (fig 2)

  3. Add specification level, if necessary.


  1. This will make the Pricelist and all


  1. prices within it - specific to the selected entity and will only be applied in orders


  1. matching these criteria (fig 3)


  1. For a global Pricelist, skip this step.

  2. Click the green V to save (fig 4)


The specification level can only be added when creating the Pricelist and cannot be changed due to data integrity.
If a correction is necessary, delete the PricelstPricelist. Deleting the Pricelist will not delete its content.





Adding Product prices to the Pricelist

From: Manager > Pricelists and Workflow templates > Pricelists > Magnifying glass

  1. Click “Add price” (fig 1)

  2. Enter the Price description. The Price billing description will be copied (fig 2)


The Price billing description is visible to your customer In billing reports so you can change it accordingly.

3. Select the Product you are creating a price for (fig 3)

4. Order type, Currency, and Unit type will auto-populate with system defaults, change if necessary (fig 4).


For Fixed prices, the Unit type should be “Min”.

5. Select the Source and Target languages this price is relevant for (fig 5).
By not selecting any languages, the Price will be available for any language combination.

If different prices are required for different language combinations, a separate pricing line should be created for every language combination.


At this point you can only select one target and one source but once you save the line you can add additional languages for this price.

6. Scroll to the left and click the green V to save before proceeding to the next step



Setting the Monetary values**

OOONA offers great flexibility when it comes to pricing types starting from a simple per-unit price (per minute, per subtitle, etc..), up to more complex prices such as interval prices, minimum and maximum prices, and more.

Click the Pencil button of the Price to enable editing so you can add the Monetary values.

Simple per unit price

For example, 4.2 Euro per minute, 6.5 if without a script.



For Unit prices, always make sure to populate all 3 unit price columns: With script, Without script, and Script not relevant.



For example, 250 Euros flat, regardless of duration.


Per unit price with a Minimum

For example, 4.2 Euros per minute, with a 10-minute minimum (42 Euros minimum).


Per unit price with a Maximum

For example, 4.2 Euros per minute, with a 500 Euros maximum charge.


Interval unit price

For example, for the first 10 minutes it’s 3 Euros per minute, for the 11-20 minute it’s 4 Euros per minute, and for 21 minute-onwards it’s 5 Euros per minute.


  • After entering all required intervals, click “Close” to see the price breakdown


Setting an interval unit price for “Without script”

Once the unit price intervals are set, you can change the “Without scrips” values, if necessary.


  • Click “Close” to see the unit price breakdown


Interval fixed price

For example, for the first 10 minutes it’s 100 Euros fixed, for the 11-20 minute it’s 200 Euros fixed, and for 21 minute-onwards it’s 300 Euros fixed.


  • After entering all required intervals, click “Close” to see the price breakdown


Setting an interval fixed price for “Without script”

Once the unit price intervals are set, you can change the “Without scrips” values, if necessary.


  • Click “Close” to see the fixed price breakdown


Custom prices

If you can' find what you need in the options depicted below, you can create a custom price using our import functionality.
