HTML | Data provided |
<#InProgressStatus#> | Order status automatically changes after all Pre-production tasks are completed |
<#Response#> | Response added in “Office remarks” when replying to a Resource report request |
<#ResourceReportNumber#> | Resource report number, sent when sending invoice reminders |
<#RejectNotes#> | Sent when Forget me requests are rejected |
<#Resource_incharge#> | Resource in charge of an order |
<#ConfirmDate#> | Confirmation date for Forget me requests and Document approval |
<#DocumentName#> | Name added in the “Document name” column while creating a document approval |
<#ToolkitSettingsApplied#> | Number of rows in which the Toolkit Settings replacement was applied |
<#ToolkitSettingsFailed#> | Number of rows in which the Toolkit Settings replacement failed to be applied |
<#ToolkitSettingsFailedTable#> | Table with details about rows which failed to be applied with Toolkit Settings replacement |