Subject | ||
Name | HTML | Data provided |
Date | <#DATE#> | Order received date |
Time | <#TIME#> | Time the email is received |
Original title | <#OriginalTitle#> | Order title |
Sender name | <#SenderName#> | Who sends the email |
Recipient name | <#RecipientName#> | The person receiving the email |
Company name | <#CompanyName#> | Name of the company the system belongs to |
User name | <#UserName#> | Login name |
Flag name | <#FlagName#> | When changing a flag, it shows the new flag name |
Original flag name | <#OriginalFlagName#> | The name of the flag originally added to an order |
System name | <#SystemName#> | Name of the client’s system |
Order number | <#OrderNumber#> | Order number |
Task name | <#TaskName#> | Name of the task |
Team name | <#TeamName#> | The production team |
Episode number | <#Episode#> | Number of the episode |
Series | <#Series#> | Series name |
Season | <#Season#> | Season number |
Languages | <#Languages#> | Target language/Step |
Voucher number | <#VoucherNumber#> | Task voucher number |
Languages | <#Languages#> | Target language |
Message body | ||
Name | HTML | Data provided |
Date | <#DATE#> | Order received date |
Time | <#TIME#> | Time the email is received + Time Zone |
Sender name | <#SenderName#> | Who sends the email |
Recipient name | <#RecipientName#> | The person receiving the email |
Password recovery link | <#PassWord#> | Link to change password |
User name | <#UserName#> | Login name |
System link | <#SystemLink#> | Link to the system login |
System name | <#SystemName#> | Name of the client’s system |
Flag name | <#FlagName#> | When changing a flag, it shows the new flag name |
Original flag name | <#OriginalFlagName#> | The name of the flag originally added to an order |
Title | <#OriginalTitle#> | Order title |
Company name | <#CompanyName#> | Name of the company the system belongs to |
Episode number | <#Episode#> | Number of the episode |
Season | <#Season#> | Season number |
Order number | <#OrderNumber#> | Number of the order |
Task name | <#TaskName#> | Name of the task |
Team name | <#TeamName#> | The production team |
Order info | <#OrderTableData#> | A table with information about the order with a link to a task or tasks |
Orders info report | <#OrdersReportTableData#> | Table with order information |
Orders info & Finance report | <#OrdersReportTableDataFinance#> | Same table as above, but with “Total, Surcharge and Priced in” columns |
Automatic customer files table data | <#AutomaticCustomerFilesTableData#> | A table with Order number, Content, Target language, Media ID, File name (Step broadcast file number) and Duration |
Task file remarks | <#TaskFileRemarks#> | Table with remarks added when uploading the file from the previous task |
Order remarks not completed | <#OrderRemarks#> | Messages from the order: Order messages, Product messages, Task messages and Internal messages |
File link | <#FileLink#> | Link to download a file. |
File link upload | <#FileLinkUpload#> | Link to upload a file to a certain order |
Order message | <#MessageBody#> | The messages the order has |
Media id | <#MediaId#> | Media number |
Reply the person in charge link | <#ReplyPersonInChargeLink#> | Link that directs the person to their email page where they can send an email to the Resource in Charge of the order |
Voucher number | <#VoucherNumber#> | Task Voucher number |
Remark | <#Remark#> | Task remark when sending Subcontractor an access link |
Subcontractor access links | <#SubcontractorAccessLink#> | Access link to the assigned task |
Languages | <#Languages#> | Target language |
Info |
Some HTML codes are not available to choose from the dropdown menu. If deleted by mistake, contact Ooona or copy them from the table below. |