Notes enable users to create order notes (“in-house” or “everyone”) that do not need to be read or completed to download files.
These can be found on all pages where Messages are also featured (Sales dashboard, My tasks, etc.)
If you cannot find the Notes column, make sure it’s not hidden. Please check the Customizing a page layout (grid layout) page for more information.
Types of notes
Notes are split into two types:
In-house notes: visible only to their creators’ and to users with the required role
Everyone notes: visible to all users with access to the order
Notes page
By clicking the Notes icon, we can see the Notes page.
Existing notes are presented on the top portion of the page.
The icons on the left indicate if it’s an “Everyone” or “In-house” note:
The functionality needs to be set up at a system level, from Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Settings.
Users will also need the Order in-house note role to see In-house notes, create notes (both in-house and everyone), delete other user’s notes, as well as restore deleted notes.
Creating notes
Open the Notes page:
Write your note in the field at the bottom of the page.
Once you start typing, the “Add note for” icons will become available. Choose the needed type of note to add it to the order.
Only users with the Order in-house note role can create “In-house” notes