What is pre-billing
Typically, you can only invoice once the order or product is completed.
Pre-billing enables billing your customer before the product or order is completed.
Pre-billing can be done for the full amount or for some of it (partial pre-billing).
Full pre-billing
Full pre-billing in Billing statements is performed from the green puzzle piece.
The green puzzle piece shows you all the billable products, even if no tasks have been completed in them.
To pre-bill the order/s, mark them for billing (fig 1) and click “Generate statements” (fig 2).
Continue with the billing process as you normally do.
Partial pre-billing
Start by enabling “Pre-billing” in the system.
From: Administrator > Web administrator > configuration > settings:
Then, pre-billing can be performed from the green puzzle piece.
The green puzzle piece shows you all the billable products, even if no tasks have been completed in them.
First, enter the amount for pre-billing in the “Total for billing” field (fig 1).
Then, mark the orders for billing (fig 2), and generate the statement (fig 3).
If previous pre-billing was done, you can see the amount in the “Total billed” field.
Continue with the billing process as you normally do.
The remaining amounts for billing will remain in the generator.
If you need to fully invoice the remaining amount, you should do it from the orange puzzle piece. The remaining amount will be waiting there.
If additional pre-billing is required for the same product, you should do it from the green puzzle piece.