Disabling file download
File download can be disabled per File type.
For example, disable the download of Media file types only.
Specific users can be given a role to bypass the limitation.
Files that are disabled for download will also be disabled for delivery from the Mail file button
Disable download per File type
From: Administrator > Tables > File tables > File type
Click the magnifying glass of the required File type
File types that are disabled for download will be displayed in grey on the Order files page and on the Centralized file download page.
When clicking to download or to mail the file, notifications will prompt:
Bypassing the limitation
Specific users or role groups can be given a role to bypass this limitation.
Role name: Can download order files that are marked as cannot be downloaded in File types page
Users with the role will still see the files in grey but they will be able to download and/or mail them: