Burn & Encode

Burn & Encode

Burn & Encode app allows you to burn subtitles into a video file.
The process is also knows as hard-coding subtitles.



Uploading subtitles text

Click Browse (A) and choose your subtitles file. You can define import settings manually or choose one of the presets on the left side of the window.

Also, you can upload and save a preset sent by another user:


Opening video file

Click Browse (B) and choose your video file (OOONA Agent should be installed on your computer).

Configuring subtitles settings

Change project settings and adjust the timecode for the subtitles if needed.

To go over the issues in the subtitles file, you may open the Validation Errors log.

Subtitles settings tab allows defining rules for displaying subtitles on the screen.


Configuring video settings

If you have some specific parameters for the output video, you can define them in the Video settings tab.

Most of the fields in this tab contain As source value by default. This will leave the output video parameters unchanged.



Highlighting a subtitle in the Subtitles text tab will generate a preview shot in the Burn preview tab.




Click Browse (C) for choosing directory for the processed (burned) video your computer.

When you’re all set, click Burn.


After the burning process is finished, you’ll be able to open the new video file in its folder.


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