Getting Started with Review

Getting Started with Review

Creating a new project

Currently, Toolkit projects can be created two different ways.

Creating a project from the Tools dashboard

After logging in, select Review (Pro) from the list of tools. Click New Project.

The Open Project pop-up will provide a list of all past projects, which can also be opened, deleted and downloaded from here.


Enter the project name once the New project dialog opens.

Please note that project name is not a mandatory field. If a project name is not entered in this step, the project will be identified by the creation time and date. This can be changed later. Also, unless a subtitle file is imported, the name entered in this step will be the default name the project file will be exported with.

Different clients have different requirements for captions and subtitles. Select a saved preset as a template for your Project Settings from the drop-down menu, use the last used custom settings or define your own project settings later.

Click Create to initiate the project.


Creating a project from the Project menu

When a user already has a project opened, there is no need to go back to the Tools page to create a new one.

To create a new project without going back to the Tools page click Project > New from within a project you already have open.


Enter the project name once the New project dialog opens.

Please note that project name is not a mandatory field. If a project name is not entered in this step, the project will be identified by the creation time and date. This can be changed later. Also, unless a subtitle file is imported, the name entered in this step will be the default name the project file will be exported with.

Select a saved preset as a template for your Project Settings from the drop-down menu, use the last used custom settings or define your own project settings later.

Click Create to initiate the project.


Getting ready to work

Configuring project settings

The Project settings pop-up is where you will need to define your client’s specifications. It can be accessed through the Settings menu or the dented wheel on the toolbar.


When the Project settings pop-up opens, you can define settings for your subtitles or apply one of the Project Settings templates according to the language and video frame rate (fps). Go through all the tabs and options available to make sure your file is delivered with the correct specifications.

If you want to read more about Project settings, read our https://ooona.atlassian.net/wiki/x/vYB1Kg article.


Uploading file for review

To import a subtitle file from your computer, click Import file (Ctrl+O) or just drag and drop it into the browser page.

You can define import settings manually or choose one of the presets on the left side of the window.


Also, you can upload and save a preset sent by another user:

Append subtitles

If your subtitles come in parts (several files), you can stitch or merge them with the Append subtitles from file option.

To merge several files in one project, import the first file, then select ‘Append subtitles from file’ from the Import menu. You can append a file to the end, before a specified subtitle number, or merge and sort by timecode.


Opening video file

To import a video, simply drag the file over the window, go to Media > Open video/audio file or click the Open video/audio file button on the toolbar.


The Open a video/audio file pop-up has four tabs to choose from: Open, Upload, Library and Local, depending on where you will be opening your file from.

Using the Open tab

Under the Open tab found in the Open a video/audio file pop-up, you can open a video by browsing your computer, using the OOONA Agent or not to generate audio waveform and video shot changes (Pro version of the Tools only), you can enter the URL where your file is located, select a file from your own Dropbox or even load an empty file.

From the Open tab, choose the option that best matches the file you are trying to open and use in your project.    






Browse your computer

As the name states, it will allow you to open a video directly from your hard drive.

In the Pro version of the Tools, this is where you can select or deselect the generation of audio waveform, video shot changes and the use of the OOONA Agent.

By default, if you drag and drop the video file in the open project, the tool will offer you to generate audio waveform and shot-changes (Pro versions only).

Load a video from a URL

This option allows the user to load a video from a website or online platform or from a server.

Paste a link, e.g. from S3 or YouTube, and click the “Load URL” button.

As the videos are loaded from online sources, they will not have any metadata information and Toolkit will not be able to generate any audio waveform or video shot changes, even if you’re using the Pro versions of the Tools.

Select a media file saved in your Dropbox

Choose this option if you want to open a video stored in a Dropbox.

Please note that this option will require logging into the Dropbox account.

Load an empty video

You can select this option to preview the subtitles on a green screen, with no video playing.

Media Start Timecode

If your video has embedded or burnt-in timecode (e.g. 01:00:00:00 or 10:00:00:00), this is where you can specify the timecode of the first frame.

OOONA supports the formats which can be played by the Google Chrome browser natively.
We recommend working with MP4 files (h.264 video codec) due to their cross-platform compatibility.
If you open an unsupported video format, you’ll be prompted to convert a video to MP4 compatible with the browser (starting from version 3.30).


Using the Upload tab (may require a special role)


Using the Library tab


Using the Local tab


Analyzing with OOONA Agent (available for the Pro tool only)

Alternatively, in the Pro option you can generate the audio waveform and shot-changes with OOONA Agent. This is recommended for older computers or media files over 1 GB. When opening a video file from your computer, you can turn the ‘Generate with OOONA’s Agent’ toggle on and, if the OOONA Agent is installed in your computer, it will automatically generate audio waveform and shot-change data. Also, it will offer the user to change FPS settings on the project if they do not match the video's FPS.



Downloading OOONA Agent

If you don't have the OOONA Agent installed in your computer, you can download the installation file from the link in the Help menu. Otherwise, make sure to uncheck Analyze with OOONA Agent box.


User configuration

User configuration is where you choose your personal settings. Contrary to the Project settings, which, as the name says, apply to a specific project or specific projects, the User configuration options apply to the user. This means you only have to set them once and they will apply to all your projects, unless you change them again.

To learn more about User configuration, read our https://ooona.atlassian.net/wiki/x/UAB1Kg options.


Reviewing the subtitles

Understanding the Subtitling Area

A – Subtitle number.

B – Timecode indicating the beginning of the subtitle (HH:MM:SS:FF).

C – Total duration of the subtitle.

D – Timecode indicating the end of the subtitle.

E – Number of characters on the first/second line (spaces included).

F – Total number of characters on both lines (including space between them).

G – Line indicating whether the subtitle complies with the reading speed. The line is green as the subtitle does not surpass the maximum 17 cps in this example (it is 16.3 cps). If it did, it'll be red.

H – Subtitle reading speed (16.3 cps) and the number of characters written (49) of a maximum of 51.

Tracking changes

You may toggle the source subtitles preview:

When you make a change, a question mark will appear in the upper left corner of the subtitling area. Click it to choose a suitable error code.

You can use the arrows above the table to go over the changes or display only edited subtitles:

Click Show editing diff summary to see the log of all the changes you’ve made:

To download changes' summary as Word or Excel file:

Basic Hotkeys

Hotkeys are keyboard shortcuts. Here’re the basic hotkeys of the default schema:










append a new subtitle


delete the current subtitle


play current subtitle


set timing mode


jump to the previous subtitle


jump to the next subtitle


save current project


open the Go To dialog box


open the Find dialog box


open the Replace dialog box


play/pause the video


step one frame back


step one frame forward


step one second back


step one second forward


step one minute forward


merge up


merge down


split the current subtitle


move first word line up


move first word line down



You may learn more shortcuts or customize them in the Hotkeys menu.

Review Mode vs Work Mode

Work mode will show the currently selected subtitle on the video and will not change the selected subtitle when the current time changes.


Once your subtitles are done, you can review your work by switching to Review Mode. It will update the visible subtitles on the video according to the current video time and will also automatically select the same subtitle row on the table.


Send for review and export

Sending a file for review

To send the current project to other users (co-workers, clients, etc.) for review, go to Review > Share subtitles link.

Here you can set a password for the project, enable or disable the receivers to download the file, and write a transmittal message. Enter the emails for sending the project for review and for notifying people once the review is completed.

Exporting a file

In order to download the subtitle file, go to the Export menu. Configure the export settings manually or use one of the preset templates (according to the desired file format, language, and video FPS).


You may also download the project file (.json) with all the settings and send it to another user.


Click the support bubble in the lower right corner to ask any question or share your feedback with our team.


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