Title: | System Configuration Help Files | |
Owner: | Maya Venturero | |
Creator: | Maya Venturero | Sept 16, 2020 |
Last Changed by: | Maya Venturero | Nov 17, 2020 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://ooona.atlassian.net/wiki/x/H4AoKw | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
Children (19)
Order types*
Duplicate Media numbers alert
Order copy "Retain options"- Setting up a system default*
Order creation page- System default viewing mode- Minimal or Full
"Title" field- Limiting the allowed number of characters
File Lifecycle Policy (S3 file deletion)
Customizing the available Source and Target languages in the system
Setting text alignment in grids for Right-to-Left languages
Disabling file download
Custom field
Order types*
Duplicate Media numbers alert
Order copy "Retain options"- Setting up a system default*
Order creation page- System default viewing mode- Minimal or Full
"Title" field- Limiting the allowed number of characters
File Lifecycle Policy (S3 file deletion)
Customizing the available Source and Target languages in the system
Setting text alignment in grids for Right-to-Left languages
Disabling file download
Custom field
There are no labels assigned to this page.