Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

New features



titleLanguage pairs added to resources (3385)

Languages can now be added to resources as language pairs, instead of as just source and target languages, enabling more control over what tasks a resource can be assigned to:

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Once enabled, populate the Source language (1) and Target language (2) fields. The system will generate a list of possible language pairs.

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After saving, the selected language pairs will be added to the list and will be applied when assigning the resource to tasks.

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The icon for Languages in the resource’s profile and in the resources page will change to indicate language pairs are being used:

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A resource can only use either languages or language pairs.

If a user has both set up, only the currently enabled option will be applied.

titleSplit tasks - complete rework (3985)

The split task functionality has been completed reworked.

A split wizard has been added.

Tasks can now be split by either duration, number of subtitles, or split according to the previous task in the flow.

The split will also be reflected in the Toolkit:

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For a more detailed explanation of the new functionalities, please check the Split tasks manual.

Other improvements and changed

titleSource language no longer editable in order info (3898)

To prevent pricing errors, editing the source language of an order has been disabled.

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titleRange options grouped into a single icon (3521)

The range options were grouped into a single icon across the system.

The functionality didn’t undergo any changes.

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titleMonthly resource report approval status and Wage reports - "Invoice upload date" column added (3768)

A new column was added to the Monthly resource report approval status and Wage reports pages: Invoice upload date.

This column will display the date of the last invoice uploaded for that report.


This column will only be displayed if the upload of invoices is enabled at the system level.

To learn more about invoice uploads, please check our article:

title"Task types" page now available from the Manager menu (3974)

The Task types page can be made accessible from the Manager menu using the new role:

Can access the Task types page from the Manager menu

titleResource report generator - role added to show the customer price billing description (3890)

A new role was added to show the “Customer price billing description” column in the Resource report generator page:

Can see the “Customer price billing description” column in the resource report generator

titleWatch folder files - multiple rewordings and columns reorganized (3788)

Sales/Manager > Watch folder files

Multiple fields and buttons in the Watch folder files page were reworded.

The columns were also reorganized to improve usability.

titleBulk actions - adding surcharges options expanded (3848)

The option to add surcharges within the bulk actions were expanded to also include which task, step or product the surcharge should be added to.

titleNew role added - Limit customer creation (3552)

A new role was added to limit who can create customers in the system:

Limit customer creation

titleAutomatic assignment - UI improvements (3293)

When multiple users match the automatic assignment criteria, the dropdown menu will change to red and specify multiple matches were found.

A selection will be required to save.

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titleAutomatic assignment - can now be set as default on order creation (522)

The automatic assignment can now be on by default on order creation.

This can be enabled from Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Defaults:

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This new configuration will be added off by default.

titleCustomerID field no longer mandatory for customers (3770)

The CustomerID field is no longer mandatory by default.

To make it mandatory, enable the “CorporateID is mandatory” option from Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Settings:

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titleMonthly report - menu disabled if only one currency is available (3332)

If there is only one currency available in a monthly report, the currency field will be disabled.

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titleBulk actions - button disabled without the role (3897)

Bulk actions button is now disabled for users without the role: Can edit orders.

titleAdded button to test authentication manner at the system and resource level (3880)

Added a button to test the current authentication manner to Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Security.

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The same test is also available in the Resource info page.

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titleNegative percentage for Customer/Supplier surcharges (90)

Negative percentages can now be added manually to customer and supplier surcharges.

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titleMake available - file data will be updated to match the new order (3979 + 3814) -DRAFT

When a file is made available in another order, the corresponding task can be completed normally.

The “Created by” field is now populated with the user who made the file available in the new order.

Added a new field in the File info page: “Original order”, which logs the original order the file was uploaded to.

Added a new field in the File info page: “Original file ID”, which logs the original file ID.

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titleDuration added to range options (4102)

Duration is now available as a criteria within the range options:

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titleAdded "Price" filter in "Change range" (4116)

It is now possible to search for specific prices or rates when changing the range.



Required role: Manager

titleAdd product - added option to select position (3922)

When adding a product, it is now possible to select its position within the flow.

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titleAuthentication methods not setup by the user are now disabled (3879)

When using 2-Factor Authentication, the authentication methods that were not setup by the user will appear as disabled.

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  • “Billing messages” in the resource reports reworded to: Resource report messages (3923)

  • The Display the “Mail file” column in Order files and Centralized file downloads role was reworded to: Can send files and file download links (3728)

  • File lifecycle policy - multiple fields reworded to improve usability (3801)

  • The Can put resource report on hold role was reworded to: Can change the “Billing hold” status in the Resource report page (3927)

Bug fixes


The search field from the top ribbon will now display correctly aligned (3039)


Fixed an issue that prevent the watch folder page to be accessed correctly from the Sales menu (3882)


The Outgoing Orders & Steps and Outgoing Tasks tabs in the Supervisor dashboard will now save grids correctly (3867)


When a step is deleted after deleting all its tasks/products, the target language column will now update correctly (3877)


The “For billing” tab within a resource report will now show the correct value in the “Revenue per product”, “Cost per product” and “%Profit/Loss per product” columns (3581)


Fixed an issue that caused the file description to not be retrieved when using the email upload link (3825)


The “Submitted On” field in the Resource reports no longer checks for the resource report reference number (3568)


Sales dashboard - the grid will now update correctly when closing the order info page (3807)


Adding a link to a task will now correctly prompt the “Do you want to complete the task?” popup (3524)


Notes - fixed issue that caused the relevant roles to not work correctly (3447)


Bulk actions - fixed an issue that prevented multiple steps to be selected on surcharge removal (3924)


When using “Null/Not null” filters, other filters are now correctly applied (3611)


Fixed an issue that prevented specific subcontractor notifications from being sent out (3951)


Series status report page - “Show inactive” button is now working correctly (3941)


Improved the loading of the Profit and loss reports page (3995)


“Production team” field no longer populated automatically when using certain bulk actions (4016)


Fixed an issue that caused the watch folder to not attach folders correctly (4101)


Fixed issue with “price per unit” column in resource report (4109)


Fixed issue with order messages when sending “Available task” email (4024)


Resource report generator - grid only showing resources with "resource report" approval manner (3957)


Bulk actions - step insertion no longer filtering for "not completed" tasks (4125)


Table of Contents

This update changed the way the system generates the UI. If the cache is not cleared, some elements might not display correctly.

As such, please make sure to clear the cache once your system is updated.

To clear the cache in Chrome, please follow these instructions: Clear cache & cookies - Computer - Google Account Help

New features

titleEngines added (3234)

Engines for automatic speech recognition and machine translation were added to the system.

These are created as resources and assigned to tasks in the system. Engines will perform the required actions once the task they are assigned to is ready to start:

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For a more detailed explanation of this functionality, please check the Engines manual.


Engines are not available by default. If you’d like to enable the functionality, please reach out to us to know the requirements.

titleLanguage pairs added to resources (3385)

Languages can now be added to resources as language pairs, instead of as just source and target languages, enabling more control over what tasks a resource can be assigned to. Read more about Language pairs in the manual.

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titleSplit tasks - complete rework (3985)

The split task functionality has been completed reworked.

A split wizard has been added.

Tasks can now be split by either duration, number of subtitles, or split according to the previous task in the flow.

The split will also be reflected in the Toolkit:

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Realtime tasks are also supported by split tasks, enabling each subtask to have it’s own start and end time.


For a more detailed explanation of the new functionalities, please check the Split tasks manual.

titleRealtime tasks - split task support added (4761)

Realtime tasks now support split tasks.

These enable splitting a task for multiple resources and assigning different start and end times for each resource.

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For a more detailed explanation of the new functionalities, please check the Split tasks manual.

titlePivot language implemented (3517)

Support for pivot languages has been added.

If used, the system will treat the first selected target language as pivot. The remaining languages will treat the pivot language as the source language to filter assignable resources and assign rates.

This functionality can be enabled from: Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Settings.

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To learn more about this functioanlity, please check the Pivot language manual.

title"Supplier script" functionality added (4154)

Support for supplier script has been added.

With a supplier script, a different script type (with script, without script) can be used for different tasks.

This will reflect itself in rate calculation.

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To learn more about this functionality, please refer to our Supplier script article.

titleFiltering and Order creation for multiple media numbers added to the range options (4757)

Introducing new features for multiple media numbers in the range options: filtering and order creation for multiple media numbers.


Please refer to our help desk article to learn more about this functionality:

These new features are available within the range options page.

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titleAutomatic status change on pre-production completion implemented (3520)

From: Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Defaults tab

A new option was added to the system: Change orders to 'In progress' once all pre-production tasks are completed

If enabled (1), the status of orders will automatically change to “In progress”, making it visible to basic resources.

Additional settings were also added to notify the resource in charge of the orders that the status was automatically changed (2). The standard task assignment notification can also be sent out for resources assigned to tasks within these orders (3).


These notifications are not sent out immediately. The system will send them out every 15 minutes. If multiple orders changed status using this functionality within that time frame, a single email with all affected orders/tasks will be sent out.

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titleResource assignment dropdown menu - shortcut to the scheduler and availability (4224)

A new option has been added to the system, enabling the user to check a resource’s availability or current assignments before assigning a task:

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The calendar shortcut will open the Team tasks manipulation scheduler and show the selected resource’s current assignments and more resources can be selected and compared.

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By clicking on “Assign (Name of resource)”, the resource will be assigned to the selected task.

This functionality can be enabled from Administrator > Web administrator > Settings, using the “Display the scheduler in the resource assignment” option:

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titleAutomatic resource notification on task changes (4266)

It is now possible to send automatic notifications to resources if changes are applied to tasks they are assigned to:

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These notifications can be enabled from Administrator > Web administrator > Application configuration > Emails:

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For a more detailed explanation, please check the Automatic notification of changes to a task section of the System notifications help desk article.

titleRequire resource reference - New system setting added (4950)

In Administrator > Configuration > Settings a new system setting was added to determine if resources must enter a reference number when submitting a Resource report.

Additionally, entering a reference number will no longer lock the report or it’s items for editing, only submitting it will do so.

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Projects improvements

The “Projects” functionality has undergone multiple changes to improve usability:

titleProject dashboard page- Columns added (4172)

From: Sales > Project dashboard

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Multiple new columns have been added to the Project dashboard page:

Total duration

Project lead

Source languages

Target languages

Product types


Content types


Project internal supply date

Project supply date


Quote number

Sales person

Billing customer

Production types


The data within the new columns will also reflect the content of the orders within the project. For example, if a project has orders with both English and French as source languages, both will be registed as source languages in the project.

titleProjects can now be assigned to a sales person (4226)

From Sales > Project dashboard > Edit OR Project dashboard

A new field has been added: Sales person.

This field behaves the same way it does at the order level. For more details, please check the Sales person manual.

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titleProject status added (4170)

Project status have been added.

These status are currently only informative.

The list of available status can be customized from Administrator > Tables > Status tables > Project status

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titleExport to excel button was added to more tabs within Project dashboard page (4253)
  • Project dashboard (main page)

  • Status tab

  • Project files tab

  • Project member tab

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titleLead times - expanded to include minutes (4813)

The lead time functionality has been expanded to allow using minutes as well.

Using the new field, the Order internal supply date, as well as the Task supply dates, can be automated with more detail:

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The same dates can also be automated through the workflow templates, using the same column, from Manager > Price lists & Workflow templates > Workflow templates.

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This functionality can be enabled from Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Settings > Enable lead minutes:

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Other improvements and changes

Data entry

titleNew customer option: Requires purchase order for invoicing (4227)

A new option has been added to customer profiles: “Requires purchase order for invoicing”

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If enabled, this information will be displayed in the Customer billing statement generator and Customer billing statements pages to indicate this information.

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If a purchase order is required and hasn’t been provided, the Customer billing statements Items/Full view and Customer billing statement generator page will mark the Purchase order field red:

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titleMonthly resource report approval status and Wage reports - "Invoice upload date" column added (3768)

A new column was added to the Monthly resource report approval status and Wage reports pages: Invoice upload date.

This column will display the date of the last invoice uploaded for that report.

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This column will only be displayed if the upload of invoices is enabled at the system level.

To learn more about invoice uploads, please check our article:

titleAdded functionality to copy a resource's properties in bulk (4127)

It is now possible to copy a resource’s properties to multiple resources at once.

This can can be done from either Administrator > Web administrator > Logins or from Manager > Rolodex tables > Resources, using the copy functionality and the “Duplicate user’s properties” option:

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For a more detailed explanation of this functionality, please check the corresponding section within the resoure creation manual.

titleNew field added: Production type (4209)

A new field has been added to orders: Production type

This is a preset list that can be edited from Administrator > Tables > Production type.

A column for this new new field is also available in the Sales dashboard > Orders tab.

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titleNew field added: Genre (4208)

A new field has been added to orders: Genre

This is a multiselect field selectable from a preset list that can be edited from Administrator > Tables > Genres.

A column for this new new field is also available in the Sales dashboard > Orders tab.

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titleContent type - expanded to be a global feature (4210)

The already existing “Content type” field has been expanded. Now it can be found at both the customer level, as well as global.

The global selection can be edited from Administrator > Tables > Content type.

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titleCustomer contacts and Consolidated account contacts - Job title field allows new entries to be added (4222)

When adding a job title to a customer contact or a consolidated account contact, the field now allows new titles to be added using the “Add new job title” button.

From Manager > Rolodex tables > Customers > Magnifying glass > Contacts.

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From Manager > Rolodex tables > Consolidated account > Magnifying glass > Contacts.

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titleResource reports excel export - "For resource" column added (5102)

A “For resource” column was added to the excel export available from the Finance > Billing > Resource reports page.

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titleResource type column and Duration in minutes column added to the Cost tab (5330)

The following columns were added to the Cost tab of the order info and the Cost tab of the Sales Dashboard.

  • Resource type column

  • Duration in minutes column

  • Duration supplier in minutes column

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User Experience

titleSales dashboard - page speed options (Display mode) added (4228)

A new mode was added to the Sales dashboard (Orders, Languages and Tasks tabs) to improve the page’s speed.

It offers three modes: full (show all live data), fast (show no live data) and custom (choose which live data should be shown).

For a more detailed description of this functionality, please check our Display mode helpdesk article.

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titleFolder upload - improved file type detection logic (4185+4703)

When uploading folders, the system will now check the “Watch folder & Folder upload defaults” for which file type to assign and, if multiple file types are found based on the extension, the file type field will be kept empty to be populated by the user.

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To learn more about folder uploads, please check the help desk article:

title"Task types" page now available from the Manager menu (3974)

The Task types page can be made accessible from the Manager menu using the new role:

Can access the Task types page from the Manager menu

titleBulk actions - adding surcharges options expanded (3848)

The option to add surcharges within the bulk actions were expanded to also include which task, step or product the surcharge should be added to.

titleEnable the editing of task confirmation times and creation of a system default response time (4260)

The task confirmation time can now be edited from the Task confirmation status column, by clicking on the status icon.

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The tooltip of the Task confirmation status icon has also been updated to contain more information:

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Additionally, the default response time can now also be set as a system default from Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Emails tab.

This default will be applied to all resources in the system, but it can also be edited at the resource level.

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For a more detailed overview of the new functionalities, or to learn more about the Task confirmation functionality, please check the Help desk article: Task confirmation - Ooona Help Center - Confluence (

titleNegative percentage for Customer/Supplier surcharges (90)

Negative percentages can now be added manually to customer and supplier surcharges.

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titleAutomatic assignment - can now be set as default on order creation (522)

The automatic assignment can now be on by default on order creation.

This can be enabled from Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Defaults:

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This new configuration will be added off by default.

To learn more about automatic assignment, please check our article: Automatic Assignment

titleCustomerID field no longer mandatory for customers (3770)

The CustomerID field is no longer mandatory by default.

To make it mandatory, enable the “CorporateID is mandatory” option from Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Settings:

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titleMake available - file data will be updated to match the new order (3979 + 3814)

When a file is made available in another order, the corresponding task can be completed normally.

New fields were added to the File information page to keep track of the source of the file.

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titleAdded "Price" filter in "Change range" (4116)

It is now possible to search for specific prices or rates when changing the range.

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Required role: Manager

titleAdd product - added option to select position (3922)

When adding a product, it is now possible to select its position within the flow.

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title"Expand column" and "Clear all filters" buttons added to all pages (3919)

All pages now have the expand columns, clear all filters and refresh buttons at the bottom.

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titleAdded "None" as a previous task option (4129)

It is now possible to select “None” as an option in the “Previous task” column.

Tasks with “None” as previous task will not have any requirements to get started.

When choosing “None” as previous task, a blue alert will be shown stating that no Toolkit project will be inherited.

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This option was also added to Bulk actions > Tasks > Previous task update

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titleCorrection orders with multiple languages (3617)

Fixed an issue that would only import the project of the first selected language in correction orders with multiple languages.


Action required: The first task of the correction product needs to have “None” as a previous task.

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titleResource report generator - added columns (4133 + 4134)

Under Finance > Billing > Resource report generator, there is now the “Supplier duration for billing” and the “Supplier duration in minutes for billing”, which will display the duration being used for the billing of tasks.

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When “Use supplier duration for billing” is not marked, the “Supplier duration for billing” and “Supplier duration in minutes for billing” under Resource report generator (Finance) will show the order’s duration.

Also under Resource report generator (Finance), the “Duration” and “Duration in minutes” columns are now showing the order’s duration and not supplier duration.

Under My menu > Resource report generator and Finance > Billing > Resource report generator, the “Units reported for billing”, “Duration” and “Duration in minutes” columns now shows the value being used to calculate the task.

titleAutomated file distribution - failed delivery notification added (4140)

A new section has been added to the Automated file distribution (both Email or FTP/S3) to notify a user if an automated distribution fails.

To learn more about this functionality and how to set it up, please check the corresponding section in our Automated file distribution manual.

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title2-Factor authentication - "Re-send code" no longer triggered by pressing tab (4150)

When pressing tab after entering the verification code, the system will now login instead of re-sending the code.

title"Purchase order" and "Internal purchase order" added to Name conventions (4220)

From Administrator > Web administrator > Name conventions

The “Purchase order” and “Internal purchase order” fields, available in the order info and billing related pages, have been added to the Name conventions:

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titleRealtime order dates added to Name conventions (4270)

The realtime-specific date names have been added to the Name conventions.

These can be customized from Administrator > Web administrator > Name conventions.

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titleOrder tasks - Enable filtering reworded and settings added (4280)

The option to enable filtering of the column in the Order tasks page (1) has been reworded for clarity.

If on, the columns in the Order tasks page become filterable and the option to move tasks is disabled.

Settings (3) were also added to this page to enable saving this mode as the page’s default.

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titleBulk inserting of Tasks/Products/Steps added to the Order tasks page (4261)

A bulk method was added to the Add new task/Add new step/Add new product options within the Order tasks page.

This button will enable adding a combination of tasks/steps/products to the existing order, using the same flow as the already existing Bulk actions.

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titleRole required to change source language of an order (3898)

Changing the source language in the order info page will now require a role:

Can change the source language in orders

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When editing a language, a notification will alert the user to the potential need to revise rates and assignments based on the new language.

titleResource report generator - role added to show the customer price billing description (3890)

A new role was added to show the “Customer price billing description” column in the Resource report generator page:

Can see the “Customer price billing description” column in the resource report generator

titleNew role added - Limit customer creation (3552)

A new role was added to limit who can create customers in the system:

Limit customer creation

titleBulk actions - limited to users with the required role (3897)

Bulk actions button is now disabled for users without the role: Can edit orders.

titleRoles and Role groups - added log (3090)

Added a changes log to Roles and Role groups pages.

In Roles:

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In Role groups:

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titleTwo-factor authentication switch - can only be changed by OOONA users (5045)

The Two-factor authentication and the Two-factor authentication for subcontractors switches will now be locked for change to all users beside OOONA users.

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titleAdded button to test authentication manner at the system and resource level (3880)

Added a button to test the current authentication manner to Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Security.

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The same test is also available in the Resource info page.

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titleAuthentication methods not setup by the user are now disabled (3879)

When using 2-Factor Authentication, the authentication methods that were not setup by the user will appear as disabled.

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titleAuthentication methods configuration added (3945)

From Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Security

Implemented an option to add the configuration of the required authentication method before applying it to the system.

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For additional details on this topic, please check the corresponding section in our helpdesk article:

titleProfit and loss - performanced improved (4450)

In order to improve the page’s performance, the data shown in the page will be recalculated every morning automatically at 6 AM (system time).

The option “Run now” will recalculate all data on demand and can be performed every 5 minutes.

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titleManager > Profit and Loss report > Consolidated account and Customer tabs, "duration" column changes (4600)

In the above tabs, the duration was broken into 2 columns:

Order duration in minutes - displays the order’s duration.

Product duration in minutes - displays the order’s duration x each language x product, so if an order has 10 minutes and a language within has 2 products, that’s 20 product duration.

If the order is quantity based, these fields will show 0.

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title2FA for Subcontractors' links (4648)

For additional information regarding 2FA, please read our article.

We now have a setting in Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Security tab that allows enabling 2FA when sending subcontractors' links.

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When ON, 2FA by email will be required when subcontractors open subcontractors' links.

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titleFile lifecycle - supported added for files made available in additional orders (3982)

Files made available in additional orders through the make available functionality are now covered by file lifecycle policies and will be deleted separately from the original file.

To learn more about the File lifecycle functionality, please refer to our help desk article: File Lifecycle Policy (S3 file deletion)


titleOrder supply date added to Automatic file distribution emails (207)

Automatic file distribution emails will now include the order's supply date in the table, if provided. If no supply date is entered, the column will be omitted from the email.
To learn more about Automatic file distribution read the manual

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titleRange options grouped into a single icon (3521 + 4244)

The range options were grouped into a single icon across the system.

Additionally, clicking on “Range options” will also open the Change range page.

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titleOrder tasks - added options to tell steps apart (4400)

Some options were added to be able to change how steps are displayed in the Order tasks page and to better distinguish between them.


For more information, read our article.

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titleWatch folder files - multiple rewordings and columns reorganized (3788)

Sales/Manager > Watch folder files

Multiple fields and buttons in the Watch folder files page were reworded.

The columns were also reorganized to improve usability.

titleWatch folders - improved performance when attaching to multiple orders(4836)

Improved the background performance of the watch folder when attaching large MPD folders to multiple orders at a time.

titleAutomatic assignment - UI improvements (3293)

When multiple users match the automatic assignment criteria, the dropdown menu will change to red and specify multiple matches were found.

A selection will be required to save.

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To learn more about automatic assignment, please check our article: Automatic Assignment

titleMonthly report - menu disabled if only one currency is available (3332)

If there is only one currency available in a monthly report, the currency field will be disabled.

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titleAdded counters to Task types columns (4141)

“Connected resources”, “Connected teams” and “Used in templates” columns now indicate how many items are included in the list.

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titleUnit reporting - color change (4169)

In orders with unit reporting, the icon will now turn green when all units have been reported.

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titleNew loading indicator selector (4142)

Added a new loading indicator selector and five colors to choose from under Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Appearance tab:

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titleTask types - added "Used in templates" column (600)

Added a column called “Used in templates” in Administrator > Tables > Task types to show in which templates a task is used.

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titleAssignment dropdow menus height and orientation (4221)

Under Sales dashboard > Tasks tab, the size of the assignment dropdown menus has been increased.

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titleIndication that a cell is editable added (4310)

A new option was added to enable editable cells in the system to be surrounded by a dotted border:

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This setting can be found in Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Defaults > Grid editable cell indicator section.

The indicator can be enabled or disabled. The opacity of the line can also be adjusted.

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titleUnit reporting improvements when uncompleting tasks (4171)

When uncompleting a task, the previously reported units are now visible and can be restored either from the Unit reporting report or when re-completing the task.

For that, click the blue arrow:

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titleExporting invoices - added option to export invoices with grid lines (4788)

In Administrator>Configurations>Setting a toggle was added to export invoices with grid lines.

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The result would look like this:

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titleOrder info>Cost Tab - Code 1 and Code 2 columns are now editable from the grid (4918)

These columns can now be edited from the grid inside the Cost tab.

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titleResource report generator - Media number column added (4685)

The media number column was added to the resource report generator page.
Both from My Menu and Finance.

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titleSupervisor dashboard - Media number column added to the Outgoing Orders & Steps and the Outgoing Tasks tabs (4409)

A Media number column was added the the “Outgoing Orders & Step”s and the “Outgoing Tasks” tabs.

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titleResource reports (Finance) page - Display name column added to the excel export (5102)

Excel sheets exported from the Resource reports (Finance) page will now display the resources' display name in the “ResourceBillingStatementsItems” tab.

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titleCustom fields - system configuration added to decide which custom fields to show (5021)

In Administrator>Configurations>Settings you can now decide which custom fields to show.
Simply pick and choose the fields you want to use.
The setting was added to both order custom fields and project custom fields.

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  • “Billing messages” in the resource reports reworded to: Resource report messages (3923)

  • The Display the “Mail file” column in Order files and Centralized file downloads role was reworded to: Can send files and file download links (3728)

  • File lifecycle policy - multiple fields reworded to improve usability (3801)

  • The Can put resource report on hold role was reworded to: Can change the “Billing hold” status in the Resource report page (3927)


Bug fixes

  • Sales menu - Watch folder page doesn’t open when clicking on that option of the menu - Fixed (3882)

  • Order tasks - When deleting a step after deleting all its tasks/products, the target language column is not updated in the Orders page - Fixed (3877)

  • “For billing” tab in Resource report - “Revenue per product”, “Cost per product” and “%Profit/Loss per product” columns not showing values per product - Fixed (3581)

  • Email upload link - File description not retrieved if file type is not set - Fixed (3825)

  • Resource reports - The “Submitted On” field is not editable when the resource report reference number is not available - Fixed (3568)

  • Order info - Changes in Order info are not shown in the Order tab grid when pop-up is closed immediately - Fixed (3807)

  • Notes - Users without the Order in-house role could add in-house notes - Fixed (3447)

  • Sales dashboard - If “Null/Not null” filters are selected in date fields, any filtering applied after is ignored - Fixed (3611)

  • Series status report page - “Show inactive” not working - Fixed (3941)

  • Watch folder - When attaching folders to multiple orders, the folder will only be attached to one of the orders - Fixed (4101)

  • Resource reports - “Price per unit” column always displays value “Without script” - Fixed (4109)

  • “Available task” email includes all order messages - Fixed (4024)

  • Workflow templates - Page moves back to the start when editing specific columns in a workflow template - Fixed(4046)

  • Bulk actions - Step insertion always filters for "not completed" tasks - Fixed (4125)

  • Sales dashboard - “Custom field” column exported as a code and not using its respective description - Fixed (4104)

  • Unit reporting report not showing any data - Fixed (4173)

  • Customer billing statement generator - If products are changed to “Not for billing” from the Products page, they are not removed from the customer billing statement generator they were included in - Fixed (4060)

  • Automated file distribution - Target language not displayed in the body of the email - Fixed (4145)

  • Workload control - Improved the performance of “Scheduler view” and “Grid view” (4257)

  • Watch folders - Files uploaded to an order via Watch folder don’t save file extensions - Fixed (4464)

  • Task completed list - “Export to excel” button not working - Fixed (4329)

  • Order files - Toolkit exports file types without the file’s extension - Fixed (4304)

  • Toolkit file export failed to write a file name with characters outside the standard Latin set - Fixed (3401)

  • Profit and loss reports and Operating profit reports - Data is now consistent between both pages (4492)

  • Profit and loss report - Discrepancies in order duration in “Customer tab” and “Orders tab”- Fixed (4666)

  • File additional description wasn't displayed after upload - Fixed (4660).

  • Engine rates - “Total amount due” not being updated when completing a task - Fixed (4484)

  • Realtime orders - “Recreate” option loads indefinitely and not recreating the order - Fixed (4807)

  • Users without the Basic user role get an error message while logging in - Fixed (4768)

  • Files in S3 were not deleted despite being marked as deleted in TM - Fixed (4520)

  • Basic resource with the Can reassign tasks (My tasks/Pool tasks pages) role receives error message when trying to reassign tasks - Fixed (4694)

  • File uploads with OOONA agent triggered an error message - Fixed (4868)

  • Correction orders' Toolkit projects - Import was not allowed - Fixed (4826)

  • Tasks assigned to an engine didn't trigger the next task in the flow when also assigned to an engine - Fixed (4669)

  • Series assignment apply to episodes - "Select all visible" button not visible - Fixed (4874)

  • Order creation wizard - Assign task step stuck on endless loading - Fixed (4841)

  • Orders tab - Too much text in the Media Number column causes a line break if the column is too narrow - Fixed (4410)

  • Invoice export - Qty/Billing unit and Runtime showing Duration instead of Supplier duration - Fixed (5015)

  • Order files - File description search field giving wrong options - Fixed (5010)

  • Scheduler pages - daylight savings time not applying to the grid - Fixed (5006)

  • Automated file distribution - When using "Send to resource in charge" the system will now send separate emails to the Recipient and the Resource in charge (4983).

  • Automated file distribution - distribution fails if there's a space between emails. Space will now be trimmed (4735)

  • Sales dashboard - Multi cell pick not working in the Tasks, Pricing and Cost tabs - Fixed (4513)

  • Toolkit settings - resetting to default settings deletes the Toolkit project - Fixed (5025)

  • Tabbing behavior and flickering when switching into TM by clicking on a field - Fixed (4996)

  • Bulk actions>Task replacement - Link date to not being applied - Fixed (4929)

  • Order copy - previous task not maintained for first non pre-production task - Fixed (5097)

  • Supervisor>Discrepancy dashboard - Export to excel not working - Fixed (5107)

  • Price/ Rate per unit - Save button wasn’t working - Fixed (5197)

  • Task right after pre production doesn’t become available when it’s Previous task is set to "Flow" - Fixed (5220)

  • Split tasks' main task not completing correctly - Fixed (5144)

API related development and bug fixes


A more detailed breakdown of all API-related information can be found in our postman page: OOONA Manager Api


The “UpdateOrder” endpoint will be phased out in the coming versions.
The “UpdateOrders” endpoint will be replacing it, as it covers the same functionality.

Please adjust your code accordingly.

  • If the Script is not specified in the CreateOrder request, the system will default to “Without script” in the created order (5156)

  • Orders of inactive customers are now visible in the api but cannot be edited (4598)

  • API filelistFetch now gives not only the S3 filename but also the visible filename in UI (4736)

  • Support added in TM API Configuration->Defaults for fields added after "Other," which can now also be renamed. (4856)

  • Synopsis API settings - Hierarchy added (4793)

    Hierarchy was added to the synopsis API setting so some synopsis API will always apply.

    The hierarchy works as follows:

    1. Customer

    2. Consolidated

    3. System

  • The following have been added:

  • Task Supply date - TaskSupplyDate (DateTime)

    • Task Internal date - TaskInternalDate (DateTime)

    • LeadDays - LeadHours (int)

    • LeadHours - LeadHours (int)

    • Linked date - LinkedDate (int)

    • Resource Code - assignment - Resource (int)

    • Rounding Manner - RoundingManner (bool)

    • PreviousTasks - PreviousTasks (array: [int])

    • Toolkit Tool - Toolkit Tool (int)

    • CriticalTask - CriticalTask (bool)

    • DefaultFileTypeCode - DefaultFileTypeCode (int)

    • DefaultFileTypeDescriptionCode - DefaultFileTypeDescriptionCode (int)

    • DefaultFileAvailability - DefaultFileAvailability (int)PoolTask - PoolTask (int)

    • PoolTask - PoolTask (bool)

    • BillingBySuppliersDuration - BillingBySuppliersDuration (bool)

    • InformNextTask - InformNextTask (bool)

    • Delete product

    • Delete language

    • Delete file

    • Add task

      • File types

      • File descriptions

      • Previous tasks

    • Delete task

    • Added Office to support API - Office (bool)

    • BillingBySuppliersDuration - BillingBySuppliersDuration (bool)

    • InformNextTask - InformNextTask (bool)Added Project to support API - ProjectID - (bool)

    • Added customField1,customField2,customField3 to the following endpoints:




    • Added CustomFields endpoint.

    • Added update pages for the 2 new custom fields

    • Added update fields in the Order and Orders page