Task confirmation
- 1 Overview
- 2 Resource Task assignment confirmation
- 3 Configuration
- 3.1 Setting Task confirmation on the Task level
- 3.2 Setting the Task response time at the system level
- 3.3 Setting Task confirmation on the Resource level
- 3.4 Making task confirmation mandatory to open the Toolkit/download files
- 3.5 Automatic unassignment on task confirmation overdue
- 3.6 Task confirmation notifications
- 4 Assigning and monitoring tasks that require confirmation
The OOONA Manager enables you to set task confirmation requests from users once an assignment notification is sent out.
If used, resources will be required to confirm if they accept the task when the assignment email is sent out.
Should the task assignment be rejected, the resource is automatically unassigned from the task.
To learn more about assignment notifications, please refer to the System notifications article.
Resource Task assignment confirmation
Resource Task confirmation from the confirmation email
Once the confirmation email is received, the resource can respond by simply clicking on the corresponding icon in the email to Accept, mark as Tentative or Reject the task
When selecting the required response, the user will be redirected to a confirmation page within OOONA.
The page can be closed once the “Current status” displays the selected response
Resource Task confirmation from My menu
Resources can view and respond to assigned tasks from My menu >Tasks >Task confirmation tab
Simply click on the corresponding icon to Accept, mark as Tentative or Reject a task.
Should the task assignment be rejected, you will be automatically unassigned from the task and it will be removed from this page.
The task confirmation will only trigger if set up at both Task and Resource level.
Setting Task confirmation on the Task level
Task level confirmation is set on a system level. To enable task confirmation requirements for a task type:
Navigate to Administrator > Tables > Task types (fig 1)
Click the magnifying glass (fig 2) of the task you want to configure
Set the “Require task confirmation” switch (fig 3) to “On”
When switched ON, The task will require resource confirmation for the assigning.
Note: this setting requires additional configuration on the Resource level from: Manager > Rolodex tables > Resources, as described in the Setting Task confirmation on the Resource level section.Click “Save and close” (fig 4)
The same information is also available and editable in the grid:
Editing from the grid requires two clicks for security reasons
Setting the Task response time at the system level
A resource’s default response time is inherited from the system configuration and can be edited from Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Emails > Email task confirmation setup section.
This value, set in hours, is inherited into all resources, but it can also be adjusted at the resource level.
Setting Task confirmation on the Resource level
In addition to the system level setting, to enable task confirmation, you must also set it for the resource:
Navigate to Manager > Rolodex tables > Resources (1)
Click the magnifying glass (2) of the resource you want to configure
Set the “Enable task confirmation” switch (3) to “On”
Note: this setting requires additional configuration on the Task type level from: Administrator >Task types page, as described in the previous section.To receive a notification (managers / resources in charge*) once the resource accepts the task, set the “Email me if a resource accepts task assigned” (4) to “On”
Note: Rejection/Tentative mails will be sent regardless to this configurationSet the “Time to respond to assignment (in hours)” (5) to determine how long the resource has to respond to the task assignment. This value is inherited from the system settings, but can be changed at the resource level as well by clicking on “Inherited”.
Click “Save” (6)
Note: Resources who assign themselves to tasks will not be required to confirm these tasks
Making task confirmation mandatory to open the Toolkit/download files
Upcoming functionality
This functionality is only available in the upcoming version (368.1)
Task confirmation can be made mandatory to open the Toolkit task or download files.
If enabled, the user will be prompt to confirm the task assignment before being able to open the Toolkit or download files.
When trying to open the Toolkit task or download files, a small confirmation popup will appear. From here, the user can confirm the task and proceed normally.
This functionality can be enabled from Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Settings tab, using the “Task confirmation is mandatory to open the Toolkit and download files” option.
Automatic unassignment on task confirmation overdue
Upcoming functionality
This functionality is only available in the upcoming version (368.1)
It’s possible to automatically unassign tasks for which the confirmation was never received.
This can be enabled from Administrator > Web administrator > Configuration > Emails.
If enabled, once the confirmation time of a task runs out, the task will be automatically unassigned.
Additionally, both the assigned resource as well as the resource who assigned them to the task will receive an email notification informing that the resource was unassigned.
Task confirmation notifications
Automatic notification on Order status change
When assigning resources to tasks while the status of the order is “New”, an automatic notification will be sent to the resource when the status is changed to “In progress” (If a manual notification has been sent, the automatic notification will not be sent)
Assigning and monitoring tasks that require confirmation
Once a task that requires task confirmation has been assigned to a resource that also requires task confirmation, the icon in the “Task confirmation status” column will change to reflect this:
By hovering on the icon, the resource’s default response time, as well as the day and hour by which they are expected to confirm will be displayed.
The current response deadline can also be edited by clicking on the icon.
Should the task assignment be rejected, the resource is automatically unassigned from the task.
Editing the response time of a task
The response time of a task is automatically calculated the moment the task is assigned to the resource, based on the resource’s response time. It can also be edited by clicking on the status icon in the Task confirmation status column. This can be done in the following pages:
Sales dashboard > Orders
Sales dashboard > Tasks
Supervisor > Task confirmation management
My menu > Tasks > Task confirmation (Managers only)
To edit the response time of a task, click on the status icon of the task (1) and edit the “response required by” field (2). Once edited, press on either “Save & close” to apply the changes and save or “Save Close & Email” to apply the changes and resend the task assignment notification with the updated response time.
Monitoring the response time of tasks
The response time of tasks can be monitored from Supervisor > Task confirmation management.
This page is only available for resources with the “Enable task confirmation” toggle on in their profile, as detailed in the Task confirmation | Setting Task confirmation on the Resource level section.
From the “Response” menu (1), it’s possible to filter by response status. After making your selection, make sure to click “Apply” (2) for it to take effect.
From the Resource dropdown menu (3), a manager will see a list of all their subordinates with “Enable task confirmation” enabled.
From this page, it’s also possible to edit the task response time. For more details, please check the Editing the response time of a task section of this manual.