Ooona Tools - Version 3.28.15
Added optional text columns to Transcribe tool with custom Excel export, color coding for columns, rich text export to Excel
Added 'Transcribe' mode to Project Settings to better support projects originated in Transcribe across all the other tools
New spellchecker with optional grammar check (added a checkbox to "Include grammar errors") for selected languages
Implemented user personal dictionaries
Implemented overriding tags and error codes inside project settings
Added "no-NO" to Norwegian language codes list
Implemented a "Has Justification" check and fix
Merged Pro & non-Pro projects, non-Pro app won't show when the user has the Pro app
Bugs fixed
Fixed coloring sentences which start with dots
Fixed remarks sometimes copying themselves into the next subtitle
Fixed focus lost when last caption is deleted
Fixed coloring a line if previous line has the same color and ends with sentence-ending punctuation
Fixed sentence coloring when the cursor is at end of line with no sentence ending punctuation
Fixed ‘Replace All’ not stopping at the end of the project
Fixed next error jumping to the beginning when fixing untimed subs
Fixed "Default" language code value in TTML export if there's a different value defined in external language configuration template
Don't report external project progress less than 1% so managers will know the project was opened
Implemented adding columns in Transcribe mode using external project configuration