Ooona Tools - Version 3.36 (February 21, 2022)

Ooona Tools - Version 3.36 (February 21, 2022)


  • Added a dedicated "East Asia" tab to 'Project Settings' and 'External Language Configuration'

  • Added "Ruby reserve" option to IMSC 1.1 Japanese export

  • Implemented "Convert left to center-left" option on ITT import

  • Implemented "Maximum vertical line length" for East Asian language projects

  • Netflix-TT will now export IMSC 1.1 for the Japanese language

  • Implemented auto-replace of quotation marks for East Asian languages from half- to full-width and vice versa, while typing (project settings) and on export

  • Updated Yes Convert minimum duration to check for 15 frames instead of 20

  • Minor changes to the user interface to improve scaling for lower-resolution screen


Bug fixes

  • Fixed REVIEW mode not selecting next untimed sub if there are timed subtitles further into the project

  • Fixed character count calculating ruby text length instead of ruby base length

  • Fixed Videotron Lambda CAP import with overlapping cues

  • Fixed move in / out cue + / - frame hotkey not working as it should with multiple tracks

  • Fixed SCC import dropping letters after 2 codes letters (like '¡') + dropping duplicate music notes

  • Minor bug fixes


3.36.16 Updates (7.03.2022)

Fixed EBU STL export error when there's an extra empty line in one of the subtitles
Fixed auto-populate from .dat file not applying to an existing project with manually updated FPS
Fixed in-browser waveform generation for longer videos
Fixed video player always going back to the beginning when reopening an existing project
Fixed speaker IDs not showing in Transcribe after re-opening an existing project with external config
Fixed audio scrubbing playing non-stop while the video is paused on external project opening
Updated default subtitles configuration not to replace ellipsis or half-width quotes


3.36.53 Updates (10.04.2022)

Implemented TTML Renderer app (native browser preview)
Implemented TTML IMSC Captions profile for accurate mapping between SCC and TTML
Added option to 'Save waveform/SC .dat file' locally
Added new video tutorials to our YouTube channel
Fixed wrong start TC detection (parsed media value as SMPTE)
Fixed subtitle tracks settings in saved presets

Allow sending SMPTE values in Convert API URL (URL encoded)
CC automatic un-chaining when using Convert API with "Chain subtitles" in the import configuration
Implemented external API project delete endpoint
Updated external project request to support mapping between configuration name instead of ID (by first match)