OOONA Tools - Version 3.43.138 (August, 2024)

OOONA Tools - Version 3.43.138 (August, 2024)


Moved application behaviour settings from Project Settings to User Configuration
Ability to lock vertical/horizontal positioning in Translate, as well as allow merging if TC is locked
Option to override timing related settings (cues) in external language configuration


Bug fixes

SCC rollup import (1 frame off when double control codes are used)
Added font, color and resolution options in Substation Alpha .ASS export dialog
Updated audio scrubbing to synchronize the volume with the video player
Personal dictionaries export fixed to include the current displayed version
Added option to set time grace on TC IN and TC OUT in Syncheck
Prevent opening a project if it was saved by someone else in the last 3 minutes instead of last 5 minutes
Implemented IMSC Rosetta qualifier for QC API
Fixed rollup captions showing the previous caption if it's 2 frames apart even if blank is set to 0


Update 3.43.138 (August 28, 2024)

Fixed out of sequence events getting swapped on SCC import while SCC reads lines one by one and swapping should be prevented #TK-2400
"Remove SDH elements" should delete subtitles rather than omit
Fixed in cue plus one frame move playhead and trigger audio scrubbing #TK-2385
Added the "TTML.LowerCaseLanguageCode" checkbox to the export form UI under the TTML tab #TK-2399
Fixed SCC to Rosetta placement issue for left justified text #TK-2404
Removed STL double height recognition on import #TK-2395
Fixed SCC overrun errors on exporting with FPS conversion #TK-2402
Added space between lines on merge #TK-744
Fixed EBU STL exporting with split block containing a super and double height results with invalid bottom positioned text #TK-2396
Fixed one word on line check #TK-2377
Introduce a refresh cap for timeline #TK-2372
Fixed first subtitle on top #TK-2368
Fixed 'save as' to open a copy rather than the original project #TK-1875
Show project settings as read-only when locked in external session #TK-1564
Fixed outline checks #TK-1583
Fixed TTML with non-standard xml namespace (e.g. tt) by basing the import process on all the namespaces defined in the source file #TK-2373
Updated document preview pane for external files #TK-2155
Fixed Arial Narrow Bold falls back to a different render font #TK-2352
Fixed TTML import not supporting #rrggbbaa color format #TK-2363
Added post-import subtitle zero recognition for PAC #TK-2148
Fixed font, text color override and resolution issues in Substation Alpha #TK-2234

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